Supplementary Information Tables — 2016-17 Report on Plans and Priorities

Table of Contents

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

1. Overview of the Federal Government's Approach to Sustainable Development

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) 2013–2016 presents the Government of Canada's sustainable development activities, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. In keeping with the objectives of the Act to make environmental decision making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Department of Health supports the implementation of the FSDS through the activities in this supplementary information table.

This Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy presents the planned contributions and expected results for Theme I – Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality, Theme II - Maintaining Water Quality and Availability, Theme III – Protecting Nature and Canadians, and Theme IV - Shrinking the Environmental Footprint – Beginning with Government.

2. Themes I to III: Department-Led Targets

FSDS Goals, Performance Indicators and Targets
FSDS Goal FSDS Performance Indicator FSDS Target

Goal 2: Air Pollution.

Minimize the threats to air quality so that the air Canadians breathe is clean and supports healthy ecosystems.

Actions to manage indoor air quality that incorporate health-based guidance.

Target 2.2: Indoor Air Quality.

Help protect the health of Canadians by providing health-based guidance and tools to support actions to better manage indoor air quality.

Goal 3: Water Quality and Water Quantity.

Protect and enhance water so that it is clean, safe and secure for all Canadians and supports healthy ecosystems.

Water quality guidelines/ guidance documents.

Target 3.2: Drinking Water Quality.

Help protect the health of Canadians by developing up to 15 water quality guidelines/ guidance documents by 2016.

Goal 4: Conserving and Restoring Ecosystems, Wildlife and Habitat, and Protecting Canadians.

Resilient ecosystems with healthy wildlife populations so Canadians can enjoy benefits from natural spaces, resources and ecological services for generations to come.

Reduce levels of human exposure to harmful substances.

(Due to the long term nature of the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) and the range of substances being addressed, it is not possible to indicate quantitative progress toward Target 4.8 within the time frame of FSDS 2013-16. Approaches for reporting progress will continue to evolve over the duration of the CMP as trends are identified.)

Target 4.8: Chemicals Management.

Reduce risks to Canadians and impacts on the environment and human health posed by releases of harmful substances.

(Note: Health Canada shares responsibility for this target with Environment and Climate Change Canada)

3. Themes I to III: Implementation Strategies

Theme I. Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality

Goal 1: Climate Change

In order to mitigate the effects of climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emission levels and adapt to unavoidable impacts.

Target 1.2: Climate Change Adaptation

Facilitate reduced vulnerability of individuals, communities, regions and economic sectors to the impacts of climate change through the development and provision of information and tools.

[Implementation strategies with a * indicate that due to the expiry of the budgetary spending authorities for climate change activities, which were approved for a five-year period between 2011-12 and 2015-16, the Department would have to request funding and FTEs for 2016-17 and future years, to continue to deliver the activities and expected results for this program.]

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.3: Environmental Risks to Health
  • Sub-Program 2.3.1: Air Quality

Strategic Outcome 3: First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

  • Program 3.1: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
  • Sub-Program 3.1.2: First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection
  • Sub-Sub-Program Environmental Public Health

Implementation Strategy 1.2.6*: Work with Canadian communities to implement heat alert and response systems and provide information/education about the health impacts of extreme heat to public health professionals and the public. (Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change].


Climate change is expected to increase the risks to human health in a number of areas including air and water quality, extreme weather events, and infectious diseases. Extreme heat poses a growing risk to the health and well-being of Canadians as climate change is expected to produce a greater intensity, frequency and duration of extreme heat events. Communities and individuals are seeking information about the most effective ways to protect themselves, their families and those most at risk. Public health and emergency management officials in several Canadian communities are already taking actions to reduce their vulnerability to heat-health risks.

Health Canada plans to address the health impacts of climate change by continuing to provide guidance and expert advice to public health and emergency management in the development of heat alert and response systems (HARS), as well as training tools for health professionals to reduce the vulnerability of their community to extreme heat. Health Canada will enable individuals and communities to increase their resiliency to extreme heat events by providing science-based information to health professionals, public health and emergency management institutions.

By preparing Canadians for extreme heat events, Health Canada is strengthening Canada's adaptive capacity to reduce the health impacts of our changing climate. The HARS centre on efforts to alert health authorities and the public when hazardous conditions arise, provide advice on how health risks can be minimized, and offer assistance to those in need during emergency situations.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will conduct research and analysis to address key science, policy information and knowledge gaps that currently challenge communities to adapt effectively to climate change related health risks; and exchange best practices with other jurisdictions and provide expert advice to support cost effective adaptation strategies worldwide.

Implementation Strategy 1.2.7*: Address the health effects of climate change by funding community-based research and assessment projects that enable northern First Nations and Inuit communities to develop climate change adaptation strategies and action plans. (Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


Health Canada's Climate Change and Health Adaptation for Northern First Nations and Inuit Communities program is unique among the adaptation programs in that it focuses on supporting northern community adaptation strategies in order to reduce human health risks. Its purpose is to build capacity by funding community-driven participatory research in cooperation with Aboriginal associations, academics, governments and agencies. This support will enable communities to develop relevant health-related adaptation plans and communication materials that will help in adaptation decision-making at the community, regional, national and circumpolar levels with respect to human health and a changing environment.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

Health Canada will build upon past community-level projects to develop additional capacity for regional-based health adaptation plans.

Goal 2: Air Pollution

Minimize the threats to air quality so that the air Canadians breathe is clean and supports healthy ecosystems.

Target 2.1: Outdoor Air Pollutants

Improve outdoor air quality by ensuring compliance with new or amended regulated emission limits by 2020 and thus reducing emissions of air pollutants in support of Air Quality Management System objectives.

[Implementation strategies with a * indicate that due to the expiry of the budgetary spending authorities for air quality activities, which were approved for a five-year period between 2011-12 and 2015-16, the Department would have to request funding and FTEs for 2016-17 and future years to continue to deliver the activities and expected results for this program.]

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.3: Environmental Risks to Health
  • Sub-Program 2.3.1: Air Quality

Implementation Strategy 2.1.11*: Communicate outdoor air pollution health risks to Canadians through the Air Quality Health Index, which provides current and forecast air-quality information and advice on health risks in order to assist Canadians in making decisions on how to reduce their level of exposure. Continue development of the Air Quality Health Index and continue implementation in all provinces and major communities in the North to achieve access for 80% of the Canadian population. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is a tool designed to help Canadians make decisions in real time on a daily basis to protect their health by limiting short-term exposure to air pollution and adjusting their activity levels during increased levels of air pollution. It also provides advice on how Canadians can improve the quality of the air they breathe. This Index pays particular attention to people who are sensitive to air pollution and provides them with advice on how to protect their health during air quality levels associated with low, moderate, high and very high health risks. This tool has been developed by Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, in collaboration with the provinces and key health and environment stakeholders.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will continue to work towards the goal of 80% of Canadians having access to the AQHI by March 31, 2017.

Implementation Strategy 2.1.13*: Undertake and deliver scientific research, monitoring, modelling, testing, data analysis and science advice to inform regulations, policies, programs, science assessments, and services as well as to evaluate effectiveness of actions. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


This activity supports improvements to air quality and associated human health risks through research and assessment of the health risks posed by substances Canadians may be exposed to from ambient air and by supporting the development of ambient air quality standards.

Under the Clean Air Regulatory Agenda (CARA) and supporting implementation of the Air Quality Management System (AQMS), Health Canada plays an important role in improving ambient air quality and protecting the health of Canadians through a broad range of activities. Research studies are conducted to determine what substances Canadians may be exposed to from ambient air. Health risk assessments on these and other substances are carried out in order to develop ambient air quality standards that are used by public health professionals and regulators to better manage air quality. Conventional fuels and their alternatives, as well as fuel emission management technologies, are assessed for any potential adverse health impacts from their use or introduction into the Canadian marketplace.

Expected achievements over the three year period of the 2013-2016 FSDS include completion of health risk assessments for priority air pollutants and key industrial sectors to inform the development of regulations, guidelines and standards under the AQMS to improve outdoor air quality.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, in support of implementation of the AQMS, Health Canada will support the multi-stakeholder process to finalize new Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) for two priority air pollutants (sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide). The proposed sulphur dioxide standard is proceeding through the approval process of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. Technical work and stakeholder consultation will continue to support the development of the proposed nitrogen dioxide standard.

Health Canada will also complete health risk assessments for four industrial sectors; complete a health risk assessment on one selected fuel or transportation-related initiative to support policy and risk management actions; complete three planned research studies with the results published or shared externally to provide scientific advice/information on the health effects of outdoor air pollutants; and continue to conduct research and provide scientific advice on the impacts of indoor and outdoor air quality on health.

Implementation Strategy 2.1.19*: Continue to work collaboratively with provinces, territories and stakeholders to implement the AQMS, which includes new ambient air quality standards, a framework for managing air quality through local air zones and regional airsheds, and emissions requirements for major industrial sectors and equipment types. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada, Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


This activity ensures a coherent approach to managing air quality through Health Canada's provision of research, assessments and guidelines to provinces and territories. Health Canada's assessment of the potential adverse impacts of conventional fuels and their alternatives and fuel emission management technologies, as well as our cost-benefit analyses for proposed government options to control air pollution sources, support the development of national industrial and transportation emissions requirements for key pollutants.

Health Canada, along with Environment and Climate Change Canada, will work with the provinces and territories and other key stakeholders, to implement a national framework to manage air quality (the AQMS) including new health-driven CAAQS, local air zone management and emissions requirements for major industrial sectors. Health Canada research and assessments provide the health basis and guidance for developing actions to reduce the health risks from outdoor air pollutants.

In support of implementation of the AQMS, new health-based CAAQS will be developed for four key pollutants (fine particulate matter, ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide) through a multi-stakeholder process and established as guidelines under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The potential health benefits of new regulations, ambient air standards or other risk management actions aimed at improving air quality in relation to the four key pollutants referenced above are evaluated using the Air Quality Benefits Assessment Tool (AQBAT), as required.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

The AQBAT will be used, on an as needed basis, to evaluate the health benefits of proposed regulations led by Environment and Climate Change Canada or Transport Canada to reduce air pollution.

Implementation Strategy 2.1.20*: Work with other jurisdictions, including the United States under the Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement to undertake regional and international efforts to manage transboundary air pollution of concern for Canadians and their environment. This includes work towards the completion of the necessary scientific, technical and regulatory foundations required for the consideration of a Particulate Matter Annex under the Air Quality Agreement. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)


A significant level of air pollution in certain areas of Canada can be directly attributed to United States (U.S.) industrial sources. Additionally, some Canadian industrial facilities contribute to air pollution in the U.S.

Under the CARA, Health Canada is involved in research and assessments supporting implementation of a comprehensive air management quality system which will lead to reductions in industrial air emissions and provide the basis for negotiating a Particulate Matter Annex to the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement (AQA).

In addition, Health Canada conducts health science assessments in support of regulations to reduce air pollutant emissions from industrial sectors; and coordinated science activities as part of the Canada-U.S. AQA.

As part of this implementation strategy, Health Canada provides health science to support regional and international efforts with the U.S. under the Canada-U.S. AQA to promote strategies to reduce transboundary air pollution.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

Health Canada will collaborate with the U.S. to share research studies investigating the health effects of particulate matter in both countries.

Table of commitments supporting FSDS Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies Performance Indicators Program Performance Targets


% of Canadians with access to the AQHI.

80% of Canadians will have access to the AQHI.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of proposed standards for nitrogen dioxide for consideration by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.

100% of proposed standards completed for consideration by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
(Target = 1)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of federal air quality health assessments, guidance documents, guidelines and standards published or distributed externally.

100% of planned health assessments finalized for external distribution.
(Target = 4)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of federal air quality health assessments, guidance documents, guidelines and standards published or distributed externally.

100% of planned health assessments will be completed on selected fuel or transportation-related initiatives to support policy and risk management actions.
(Target = 1)

Date to Achieve Target: March 31, 2017


% of planned research studies completed and results published or shared externally to provide information on the health effects of outdoor air pollutants.

100% of planned research studies completed and results published.
(Target = 3)

Date to Achieve Target: March 31, 2017

  • 2.1.13
  • 2.1.19

% of targeted knowledge transfer activities will be completed.

100% of targeted knowledge transfer activities will be completed.
(Target = 1 knowledge transfer activity per research study)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

  • 2.1.13
  • 2.1.19

% of available trend data collected in third year (2016-17) to show improvements in air quality and Canadian health status.

Note: Baseline for air quality and health improvements set in 2013-14. Air quality and health improvements will be reported every three years, by percentage change over the period.

100% of available trend data to be collected in third year (2016-17)

Date to achieve target: March 17, 2017


% of proposed emission reduction scenarios assessed for health benefits using the AQBAT.

100% of the proposed emission reduction scenarios proposed will be assessed for health using the AQBAT. (Expected requests = 5)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned research study results (of research efforts to investigate the effects of particulate matter in both countries) communicated to the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Committee.

100% of planned health-related studies for which results are communicated to the Canada-US Air Quality Committee. (Target = 1)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

Target 2.2: Indoor Air Quality

Help protect the health of Canadians by providing health-based guidance and tools to support actions to better manage indoor air quality.

[Implementation strategies with a * indicate that due to the expiry of the budgetary spending authorities for air quality and radon activities, which were approved for a five-year period between 2011-12 and 2015-16, the Department would have to request funding and FTEs for 2016-17 and future years to continue to deliver the activities and expected results for this program.]

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.3: Environmental Risks to Health
  • Sub-Program 2.3.1: Air Quality
  • Program 2.6: Radiation Protection
  • Sub-Program 2.6.1: Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Protection

Strategic Outcome 3: First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

  • Program 3.1: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
  • Sub-Program: 3.1.2: First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection

Implementation Strategy 2.2.1*: Conduct research, assessments and communication activities in order to provide health-based guidance on reducing exposure to indoor air pollutants. (Health Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


This activity develops guidelines and standards to better manage indoor air quality and provides advice for public health professionals and Canadians on how exposure to air pollutants can be reduced.

Health Canada plays an important role in improving indoor air quality and protecting the health of Canadians through a broad range of activities. Research studies are conducted to determine what substances Canadians may be exposed to in their homes or other indoor environments, and how to reduce this exposure. Health risk assessments on these and other substances are carried out in order to develop indoor air quality guidelines that are used by public health professionals and regulators to better manage air quality.

Expected achievements over the three-year period of the FSDS 2013-2016 include the development of five new or updated residential indoor air quality guidelines for priority pollutants (benzene, naphthalene, nitrogen dioxide, 1,2-dichloroethane, and dichloromethane). Indoor air reference levels will also be developed for three volatile organic compounds. Options for the management of volatile organic compound emissions from building materials and select consumer products will be determined. Public resource documents will be produced to help Canadians reduce their exposure to indoor air pollutants.

In addition, the provision and management of housing on reserve lands is the responsibility of First Nations, with support from the Government of Canada. Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch provides advice, recommendations and guidance to First Nations communities on how to reduce or mitigate potential public health risks that are identified during public health inspections. Poor housing conditions and lack of adequate housing are linked to a range of negative health outcomes, making housing a central public health priority in First Nations communities. Public health inspections of housing in First Nations communities on reserve are conducted by Environmental Health Officers on request from First Nations householders and communities. This activity covers approximately 1,200–2,000 housing units annually, or 1-2% of all the housing units on First Nations reserves (excluding transferred First Nations communities).

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will publish a draft residential indoor air quality guideline for acetaldehyde in the Canada Gazette, Part I, which was delayed in 2015-16; complete a research study on effects of mechanical ventilation on indoor air; and support development of a product emissions standard for formaldehyde emissions from building materials in collaboration with an independent standards setting organization.

The Department also anticipates a reduction in the percentage of homes inspected in First Nations communities that are found to have mould.

Implementation Strategy 2.2.2*: Maintain a database of indoor radon levels in Canadian homes and buildings. Assess new methods and technologies for measuring and reducing radon gas levels in homes and buildings. Maintain a radon awareness program to give information to Canadians on ways to reduce their exposure to radon. (Health Canada, Statistics Canada)

[This builds upon previous federal work on air quality and climate change.]


Raising public awareness of risks and health impacts and disseminating information to mitigate the risk of indoor radon exposure are activities undertaken that support improved indoor air quality.

Health Canada develops new standards and updates existing guidance documents, codes of practice and protocols for measurement and mitigation of radon in homes and workplaces based on research and evidence. This includes working with private industry and key partners (e.g., other government departments such as the National Research Council and Canadian standard bodies such as the Canadian General Standards Board) to investigate and validate methods for radon measurement and improved technologies to reduce intrusion of radon soil gas into buildings. This will help to ensure homeowners, industry partners and stakeholders have tools and resources needed to protect themselves from exposure to radon.

Health Canada continues to raise public awareness of health risks from exposure to elevated levels of radon and inform Canadians of strategies to reduce their risk by supporting the annual collaborative outreach campaign and Radon Action Month and by partnering with provinces and stakeholders in the delivery of targeted outreach communications and programs to homeowners, health professionals and the building industry.

In addition, a database of indoor radon concentrations will be maintained and updated as new information is acquired from radon surveys, radon measurement service providers and members of the public.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will collect Canadian household information concerning levels of awareness of radon and the extent of radon testing through the Statistics Canada Households and Environment Survey; increase stakeholder participation and media engagement during Radon Action Month; deliver outreach programs targeting key stakeholder groups; promote industry adoption of professional codes of practice by improving access to standards and required infrastructure; and update database of indoor radon concentrations as new data is acquired.

Table of commitments supporting FSDS Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies Performance Indicators Program Performance Targets


% of federal air quality health assessments, guidance documents, guidelines and standards published or distributed externally.

100% of planned indoor air draft guidelines will be published in Canada Gazette, Part I for consultation.
(Target = 1)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned federal indoor air quality studies completed.

100% of planned research studies will be completed in support of actions to improve indoor air quality.
(Target = 1)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of final product emissions standards completed.

100% of planned final product emissions standards completed.
(Target = 1)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of inspected homes in First Nations communities that were found to have mould.

Reduce the percentage of inspected homes in First Nations communities found to have mould from 47% to 45%.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of Canadians surveyed who are knowledgeable of radon

60% of Canadians surveyed are knowledgeable of radon.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of Canadians surveyed who have tested for radon

7% of Canadians surveyed have tested for radon.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned radon mitigation standards published.

100% of planned radon mitigation standards published.
(Target = 2)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned radon measurement infrastructure accredited and operational.

100% of planned radon measurement infrastructure accredited and operational.
(Target = 1 radon chamber)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of targeted partners participating in education and awareness and communication activities.

100% of targeted partners participated.
(Target = 20)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of National Radon Lab test results validated and incorporated into the Radon Database.

100% of National Radon Lab test results validated and incorporated into the Radon Database.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

Theme II. Maintaining Water Quality and Availability

Goal 3: Water Quality and Water Quantity

Protect and enhance water so that it is clean, safe and secure for all Canadians and supports healthy ecosystems.

Target 3.1: On-Reserve First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems

Increase the percent of on-reserve First Nations water systems with low risk ratings from 27% to 50% by 2015. Increase the percent of on-reserve First Nations wastewater systems with low risk ratings from 35% to 70% by 2015 [Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) (formerly Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada) lead.]

[Implementation strategies with a * indicate that due to the expiry of the budgetary spending authorities for First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan, which was approved for a two-year period between 2014-15 and 2015-16, the Department would have to request funding and FTEs for 2016-17 and future years to continue to deliver the activities and expected results for this program.]

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 3: First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

  • Program 3.1: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
  • Sub-Program 3.1.2: First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection
  • Sub-Sub-Program Environmental Public Health

Implementation Strategy 3.1.4*: Support all First Nations communities in ensuring ongoing access to a trained Community-Based Water Monitor or Environmental Health Officer. (Health Canada)


In First Nation communities, Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) and Community-Based Water Monitors (CBWMs) share responsibility for drinking water quality monitoring at tap as per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (GCDWQ). EHOs assist communities in monitoring drinking water quality for bacteriological, chemical, physical and radiological parameters, interpret drinking water quality results, disseminate results to First Nation authorities and maintain quality assurance. CBWMs are First Nations community members trained by an EHO. They are responsible for monitoring bacteriological water quality and disseminating results.

Capacity to monitor drinking water quality as per the GCDWQ in First Nations communities is supported by Health Canada through the provision of funding to Chief and Council for drinking water monitoring through the CBWM program, and training of CBWMs to monitor the drinking water for potential bacteriological contamination as a final check on the overall safety of the drinking water at tap. EHOs and CBWMs are the primary service providers with respect to drinking water quality monitoring, and it is therefore important to provide them with the support necessary to perform their duties effectively to better protect the public health of First Nations residents.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

Health Canada will enhance the quality control of onsite testing by providing training, and will maintain the monitoring of water quality. Additionally, Health Canada will continue to share information to support infrastructure-related work, and support the government's commitments to end long-standing boil-water advisories.

Implementation Strategy 3.1.5*: Support all First Nations communities in ongoing monitoring of drinking water quality as per the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. (Health Canada)


Health Canada assists First Nations communities in establishing drinking water quality monitoring programs. This includes verification monitoring of the overall quality of drinking water at tap, and reviewing, interpreting and disseminating results to First Nations and providing advice, guidance and recommendations for First Nations communities about drinking water safety and safe disposal of onsite domestic sewage.

Health Canada aims to ensure that drinking water quality in First Nations communities is tested on a weekly basis as per the GCDWQ. The GCDWQ set out the basic parameters all drinking water systems should strive to achieve in order to deliver clean, safe and reliable drinking water at tap.

Over time, by working with First Nations communities to identify challenges with meeting recommended testing frequencies, Health Canada aims to increase the percent of on-reserve public distribution systems that meet weekly national testing guidelines for bacteriological parameters. Regular testing of drinking water quality offers timely identification of potential problems with drinking water quality, minimizing potential risks to public health and therefore contributes to increasing the percentage of First Nations communities with acceptable water and wastewater facility ratings.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will continue to work with First Nations and Inuit communities that have identified challenges with meeting recommended drinking water quality guidelines in order to address issues.

Target 3.2: Drinking Water Quality

Help protect the health of Canadians by developing up to 15 water quality guidelines/guidance documents by 2016.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.3: Environmental Risks to Health
  • Sub-Program 2.3.2: Water Quality

Implementation Strategy 3.2.1: Develop on average five drinking water quality guidelines/guidance documents per year in collaboration with provinces/territories, which are used as a basis for their regulatory requirements. (Health Canada)


Health Canada works in collaboration with provinces/territories to develop an average of five drinking water quality guidelines/guidance documents per year. These GCDWQ are used by all jurisdictions (provinces, territories and the federal government) as the basis for establishing their regulatory requirements for drinking water quality. Work is also undertaken with standards-setting organizations to develop harmonized North American health-based performance standards for drinking water materials. These standards are directly referenced in the GCDWQ.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, up to five drinking water quality guidelines/guidance documents will be approved by provinces and territories.

Table of commitments supporting FSDS Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies Performance Indicators Program Performance Targets


% of targeted drinking water quality guidelines/guide documents approved through Federal/Provincial/Territorial (F/P/T) collaborative processes.

100% of targeted drinking water quality guidelines/guidance documents are approved through F/P/T collaborative processes.
(Target = 5)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

Theme III. Protecting Nature and Canadians

Goal 4: Conserving and Restoring Ecosystems, Wildlife and Habitat, and Protecting Canadians

Resilient ecosystems with healthy wildlife populations so Canadians can enjoy benefits from natural spaces, resources and ecological services for generations to come.

Target 4.7: Environmental Disasters, Incidents and Emergencies

Environmental disasters, incidents and emergencies are prevented or their impacts mitigated.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.6: Radiation Protection
  • Sub-Program 2.6.1: Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Protection

Implementation Strategy 4.7.4: In accordance with mandated responsibilities, provide environmental and/or other information to reduce the risk of, and advice in response to, the occurrence of events such as polluting incidents, wildlife disease events or severe weather and other significant hydro-meteorological events as applicable. (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (formerly Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada), Department of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (formerly Department of Fisheries and Oceans), Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (formerly Industry Canada), Natural Resources Canada, Parks Canada, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (formerly Public Safety), Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada), Transport Canada)

Specific examples include:
Strengthen federal preparedness and response capabilities to radiological and nuclear emergencies by working with federal, provincial and international partners on joint planning, drills and exercises. (Health Canada)


Health Canada administers the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan (FNEP) and collaborates with other federal partners and provincial authorities to maintain nuclear emergency preparedness in Canada. The FNEP is the Government of Canada's plan to prepare for and manage the federal response to a nuclear emergency in order to minimize the impact on public health, safety, property and environment in Canada.

Health Canada strengthens nuclear emergency preparedness through planning, preparing for, and participating, in nuclear emergency preparedness exercises and drills; developing after action reports and action plans; and implementing priority action plan items to address areas for improvement, in collaboration with implicated FNEP partners.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will participate in nuclear emergency training, drills and exercises and will respond to recommendations from the After Action Report for Exercise Intrepid in support of continuous improvement; maintain and operate Canada's national radiation surveillance and monitoring capabilities in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty obligations, FNEP responsibilities and as a basis for exposure risk assessment for Canadians; and post environmental radiation data on the Health Canada website and Government of Canada Open Data portal.

Table of commitments supporting FSDS Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies Performance Indicators Program Performance Targets


% of Health Canada defined objectives achieved in nuclear emergency preparedness exercises.

100% of Health Canada defined objectives achieved in nuclear emergency preparedness exercises.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of targeted environmental radiation data made available to Canadians.

100% of targeted environmental radiation data made available to Canadians.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of national environmental radiation and Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty monitoring stations and laboratories that are operational.

90% of national environmental radiation and Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty monitoring stations and laboratories are operational.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

Target 4.8: Chemicals Management

Reduce risks to Canadians and impacts on the environment and human health posed by releases of harmful substances.

[Implementation Strategies with a * indicate that due to the expiry of the budgetary spending authorities for contaminated sites activities, which were approved for a five-year period between 2011-12 and 2015-16, the Department would have to request funding and FTEs for 2016-17 and future years to continue to deliver the activities and expected results for this program.]

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture

Strategic Outcome 2: Health Risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

  • Program 2.3: Environmental Risks to Health
  • Sub-Program 2.3.3: Health Impacts of Chemicals
  • Program 2.7: Pesticides

Implementation Strategy 4.8.2*: Guidance and program policies developed by the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan program secretariat and the expert support departments are provided to federal custodians for program implementation activities. (Department of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (formerly Department of Fisheries and Oceans), Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada)).


Under the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP), Health Canada provides expert advice in support of activities associated with federal contaminated sites. Health Canada will increase its focus on providing guidance and training to federal custodians to support them in the remedial phase of FCSAP.

Health Canada's advice on risk assessment and risk management of contaminated sites undergoing remediation supports custodians in more accurately and consistently assessing risks related to human health.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will continue to provide expert advice, guidance and training to responsible authorities and other departments, as requested.

Implementation Strategy 4.8.5: Assess 100% of 1500 targeted existing commercial substances as identified under the Chemicals Management Plan for risks to human health and/or the environment by 2016. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)


Health Canada activities include risk assessments of existing (post-market) substances and developing risk management strategies, policies and regulations for substances determined as harmful to human health, as a complement to Environment and Climate Change Canada's review of environmental impacts. These activities reduce the health risks to Canadians posed by substances by identifying those that may be harmful and taking appropriate steps to reduce this risk.

Health Canada is in the process of assessing existing substances as priorities identified under the CMP, both to determine whether they are harmful to human health due to their inherent properties, and the level of exposure to the Canadian public. Health Canada's research on the nature of existing substances and Canadians' exposure to them supports the scientifically grounded, risk-based approach used to assess the impact of chemical substances on Canadians' health and to guide risk management or regulatory actions for substances determined to be harmful to human health.

Within the targeted assessment of 4,300 substances by 2020, 1,500 substances are planned for assessment by March 2016.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada expects to complete/assess 99% of the 1,500 existing substances targeted for assessment under the second phase of the CMP by March 31, 2017. It is also expected that 25% of the 1,550 existing substances targeted for assessment under the third phase of the CMP will be completed/assessed by March 31, 2017. Phase III of CMP is expected to be completed in March 2021.

Specific monitoring activities for 2016-17 include carrying out data analysis for the fourth cycle of the Canadian Health Measures Survey and the launch of cycle five. In addition, Health Canada is working on the release of the Fourth Report on Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals: Results of the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 4. This report presents national biomonitoring data on the Canadian population's exposure to chemicals and will be released in 2017-2018.

In addition, substances deemed to be harmful to human health will be risk managed according to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) and other "Best Placed Acts".Footnote 1

Implementation Strategy 4.8.7: The Northern Contaminants Program will continue monitoring contaminant levels in wildlife and people in the Canadian North. (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, (formerly Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC))).


The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) was established in 1991 in response to concerns about human exposure to elevated levels of contaminants in wildlife species that are an important part of traditional diets of northern indigenous peoples. The overall objective of the NCP is to reduce and, where possible, eliminate contaminants from the Arctic environment while providing information to Northerners about contaminants in traditional/country foods to make informed decisions about their food use. The NCP is working towards achieving this objective through world-class scientific research and monitoring. Health Canada activities include co-leading the Human Health research annual funding process with INAC (formerly AANDC) and acting as a lead to develop the Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report (CACAR), which is prepared when sufficient data is available (approximately every 5-6 years).

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will lead the 2016-17 NCP Human Health Assessment on the level of exposure in humans to chemicals in the Canadian Arctic; and co-lead with INAC (formerly AANDC) the funding of human health research on chemicals in the Canadian Arctic.

Implementation Strategy 4.8.8: Address 100% of new substances, for which Environment and Climate Change Canada has been notified by industry of their intended manufacture or import, to determine if they may pose risks to human health and/or the environment within the timelines in the regulation or established services standards. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)


Health Canada activities include assessing and managing potential health risks associated with new (pre-market) substances, including products of biotechnology. For new substances in products regulated under the Food and Drugs Act, the Department also assesses potential harm to the environment. These activities seek to reduce the health risks to Canadians posed by substances, including the identification of those that may be harmful and taking appropriate steps to reduce this risk.

Health Canada also assesses substances and products of biotechnology that are new to the Canadian market both to determine whether they are harmful to human health due to their inherent properties and the level of exposure to the Canadian public. Health Canada's research on the nature of new commercial substances and the products of biotechnology as well as Canadians' exposure to them supports a scientifically grounded, risk-based approach used to assess the impact of substances on the health of Canadians and to guide risk management or regulatory actions for substances determined to be harmful to human health.

Over the three year period of FSDS 2013-16, in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada continued to perform risk assessments on approximately 500 new substances annually, including products of biotechnology and nanomaterials. Any needed risk management measures for substances deemed to be harmful to human health and/or the environment were developed. Health Canada also began conducting risk assessments of substances on the revised In Commerce List (ICL).

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada will continue to perform risk assessments on approximately 500 new substances. Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada will also collaborate to perform rapid screening of polymers listed on the Domestic Substances List (DSL), perform a prioritization exercise for DSL nanomaterials and complete and publish all final assessments for DSL microorganisms.

Health Canada will also continue to conduct assessments on substances on the revised In Commerce List identified as priorities under the CMP, and review any nominations to the revised ICL as required.

Implementation Strategy 4.8.9: Ensure at least one risk management measure is in place for 100% of substances deemed to be harmful to human health and/or the environment. (Environment and Climate Change Canada (formerly Environment Canada), Health Canada)


Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Health Canada in cooperation with Environment and Climate Change Canada, developed and implemented risk management strategies, policies and regulations to manage the potential risks posed by substances that are assessed to be harmful to human health. This implementation strategy relates to the FSDS targets by ensuring that timely risk management instruments are put in place to mitigate human exposure and reduce the risk to Canadians posed by harmful substances.

It is directly through risk management actions that Health Canada contributes to decreases in environmental concentrations and human exposure to harmful substances.

Over the three year period of the FSDS 2013-16, Health Canada, in cooperation with Environment and Climate Change Canada, developed and implemented risk management strategies, policies and regulations to manage the potential risks posed by substances that are assessed to be harmful to human health under the appropriate federal statute.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will risk manage substances deemed to be harmful to human health according to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) and other "Best Placed Acts".

In addition, Health Canada will collaborate with Environment and Climate Change Canada to develop any needed risk-management measures related to the risk assessment of new substances.

Implementation Strategy 4.8.11: Prevent unacceptable risk to people and the environment through the regulation of pesticides by initiating 100% of the re-assessments of registered pesticide products identified in the Re-evaluation Initiation Schedule. (Health Canada)


In the delivery of the pesticide program, Health Canada conducts activities that span the lifecycle of a pesticide, including: pre and post market product assessments for health and environmental risks and product values; risk management; post market surveillance; compliance and enforcement; changes in use; cancellation, or phase out of products that do not meet current standards; and, consultations and public awareness building.

Health Canada leverages its international collaboration to provide access to the best science available to support regulatory decisions and promote consistency in the assessment of pesticides.

The objective of this program is to protect the health and safety of Canadians and the environment relating to the use of pesticides.

Achievements expected in 2016-17

In 2016-17, Health Canada will continue to ensure that pesticides in the marketplace continue to meet modern scientific standards.

International collaboration will also be leveraged to maximize access to global science for the risk assessment of pesticides.

Table of commitments supporting FSDS Implementation Strategies
Implementation Strategies Performance Indicators Program Performance Targets


% of established service standards met for the provision of FCSAP expert support services.

90% of established service standardsFootnote 2 for the provision of expert support met.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of the 1,500 targeted existing substances assessed at the draft risk assessment stage (Phase II).

100% of the 1,500 targeted existing substances assessed at the draft assessment stage.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2021


% of the 1,550 targeted existing substances assessed at the draft assessment stage (Phase III).

100% of the 1,550 targeted existing substances assessed at the draft assessment stage.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2021

  • 4.8.5
  • 4.8.9

% of planned risk management actions taken under CEPA 1999 or another Act for existing substances.

100% of planned risk management actions are taken under CEPA 1999 or another Act for existing substances.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017.


Levels of human exposure to harmful substances.

Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 4 biomonitoring results released in 2017-18 reporting on the level of exposure in humans to harmful substances.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2018


Release the Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report

Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report will be released.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned research studies funded by the NCP.

100% of planned research studies funded. (Target = 4)

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of new substances for which industry has sent notification of their manufacture or import that are assessed within targeted timelines.

100% of new substances for which industry has sent notification of their manufacture or import are assessed within targeted timelines.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned final assessments for Domestic Substances List microorganisms that still require publication completed.

100% of planned final assessments for Domestic Substances List microorganisms that still require publication completed.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned risk assessments of those substances found on the revised In Commerce List that are identified as priorities under the CMP.

100% of planned risk assessments of those substances found on the revised In Commerce List that are identified as priorities under the CMP.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of nominations to the revised In Commerce List received from industry that have been reviewed and added to the revised In Commerce List, if eligible.

100% of nominations received are reviewed and all substances found eligible for addition to the revised In Commerce List added.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of planned prioritization of Domestic Substances List nanomaterials.

100% of planned prioritization of Domestic Substances List nanomaterials.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of new substances assessed that require risk management action

5% of new substances assessed require risk management action.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of re-evaluations initiated for registered pesticides according to the Re-evaluation Work Plan.

80% of registered pesticides have re-evaluations initiated according to the Re-Evaluation Work Plan.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017


% of new pesticides reviewed in collaboration with international partners.

80% of new pesticides reviewed in collaboration with international partners.

Date to achieve target: March 31, 2017

4. Theme IV: Targets and Implementation Strategies

Goal 6: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Energy

Target 6.1: GHG Emissions Reduction

The Government of Canada will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its buildings and fleets by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.

Departmental Target

20% below 2005 by 2020.

Scope and Context

GHG emissions sources include only on-road fleet operations.

The Fleet GHG Inventory Accounting Template provided by Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada) and the Automotive Resources International (ARI) database is used to monitor and manage fleet operations.

As of 2014-15, Health Canada had decreased its on-road fleet-related GHG emissions by 37% from the baseline year 2005-06, surpassing the current commitment of an overall 20% reduction target by 2020-21. The Department's objective will be to maintain and/or continue to exceed a percentage rate of 20%.

Key activities include the replacement of old vehicles, adherence to Health Canada's Fleet Management Policy and Fleet Management Standard as well as timely communications to raise employee awareness.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program: Internal Services
  • Sub-Program: Acquisition Services
Performance Measurement

Expected result

Reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of federal operations.

Performance indicator and performance level target for GHG Emissions Reduction
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Updated GHG reduction implementation plan in place by March 31, 2015.

Yes (March 31, 2015)

(Done on an annual basis)

GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2005–06.


GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2016−17, not accounting for renewable power emission credits, if applicable.


Renewable power emission credits applied in fiscal year 2016-17 (kt CO2 equivalent).


Percentage change in GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005–06 to fiscal year 2016−17, inclusive of renewable power emission credits, if applicable.

20% decrease

Adjustments made to base year GHG emissions.


Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management

Target 7.1: Real Property Environmental Performance

As of April 1, 2014, and pursuant to departmental Real Property Sustainability Frameworks, an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.

Scope and Context

Health Canada is custodian of nine buildings (seven laboratories, two support facilities) totalling 91,048 m2 and tenant in 195,900 m2 of leased space that accommodates approximately 8,913 employees in 81 locations. In addition, Health Canada owns six health facilities which provide First Nations and employees the space required to deliver health care services to First Nations communities.

Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada worked jointly to transform their individual Green Buildings Strategic Frameworks into a shared Real Property Sustainability Framework. Greening practices outlined in the Framework are applied to all temperature controlled office and laboratory spaces over 1000m2 where benchmark information is available.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program: Internal Services
  • Sub-Program: Real Property Services
Performance Measurement

Expected result

An industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Real Property Environmental Performance
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Real Property Sustainability Framework in place to improve the management of energy, waste and water in departmental real property assets by March 31, 2015.

Yes (March 31, 2015)

Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings (over 1000 m2) and new lease or lease renewal projects (over 1,000 m2) where the Crown is the major lessee, assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool, and associated floor space (m2).

  • 1 Crown-owned buildings
  • 1858 m2
  • 0 new lease or lease renewal projects
  • 0 m2

Planned assessment tool to be used:

Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings, new construction, build-to-lease projects and major renovation projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance, and total associated floor space (m2).

  • 0 Crown-owned buildings
  • 0 m2
  • 0 new construction projects
  • 0 m2
  • 0 build-to-lease projects
  • 0 m2
  • 0 major renovation projects
  • 0 m2

Planned environmental performance level to be achieved:

Number of fit-up and refit projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance.

  • 1 fit-up and refit project
  • 11,040 m2

Targeted performance level:

Implementation strategy element /best practice and targeted performance level for Real Property Environmental Performance
Implementation strategy element or best practice Targeted performance level Achieve a level of performance that meets or exceeds the custodian's current commitment(s) to sustainable buildings using industry-recognized assessment and verification tool(s).

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Develop plans to address environmental performance assessment recommendations for existing Crown-owned buildings.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Manage the collection, diversion and disposal of workplace waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Manage construction, renovation and demolition waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Target 7.2: Green Procurement

As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.

Scope and Context

Health Canada will continue to focus on greening its procurement of office supplies, information technology (IT) hardware, and right-sized vehicles that are the most fuel efficient in their class available at the time of purchase:

  • For office supplies, the scope excludes purchases using acquisition cards. The percentage of office supplies identified as having environmental features was 61% in fiscal year 2014-15 which puts Health Canada on track to achieving the 80% target by March 2017.
  • For IT hardware purchases, the scope includes automatic data processing equipment (e.g. computers). Laboratory, field equipment and purchases using acquisition cards are excluded. The Department's objective is to maintain a maintenance target of 92%, which was achieved in 2012-13, of environmentally friendly IT hardware purchases that include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the equipment.Footnote 3
  • For vehicles, 100% were right-sized and the most fuel efficient in their class available at the time of purchase in 2014-15, as per Health Canada's Fleet Standard. Health Canada will maintain a maintenance target of 90% through March 2017.
  • The number and percentage of specialists in procurement and/or materiel management who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course or equivalent, in the given fiscal year excludes vacant positions and employees on leave. A maintenance target of 100% will be ongoing for all future years.
  • The number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes environmental considerations in 2016-17, excluding Executive positions subject to a different contracting process, vacant positions and employees on leave will be maintained at 100%.
Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program: Internal Services
  • Sub-Program: Acquisition Services
Performance Measurement

Expected result

Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Green Procurement
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014.

Yes (March 31, 2015)

Number and % of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in fiscal year 2016-17.

  • 43
  • 100%

Number and % of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in fiscal year 2016-17.

  • 8
  • 100%
Departmental green procurement target

By March 31, 2017, 92% of IT hardware purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the equipment.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Departmental green procurement target
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Volume of IT hardware purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total volume of all purchases for IT hardware in the year in question.


Departmental green procurement target

By March 31, 2017, 80% of office supply purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the supplies.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Departmental green procurement target
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Volume of office supply purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total volume of all office supply purchases in the year in question.


Departmental green procurement target

By March 31, 2017, 90% of vehicles purchased are right-sized for operational needs and are the most fuel efficient vehicle in their class available at the time of purchase and/or are an alternative vehicle.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Departmental green procurement target
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Number of vehicle purchases that meet the target objective relative to the total number of vehicle purchases in the year in question.


Implementation strategy element /best practice and targeted performance level for Green Procurement
Implementation strategy element or best practice Targeted performance level Leverage common-use procurement instruments where available and feasible.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations

As of April 1, 2015, the Government of Canada will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations.

Scope and Context

Health Canada has approximately 8,913 employees located in 81 locations across Canada. Employees in other Regions may be located in major cities or in remote locations focusing on providing health services to First Nations communities. Although some unique situations exist, the majority of Health Canada's workplaces are offices with boardrooms and cafeterias that contain typical office equipment: computers, telephones, printers and photocopiers.

Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, through a shared consultative Sustainable Workplace Operations working group, are developing a Sustainable Workplace Operations Approach which outlines the commitment of both organizations to improving the sustainability of workplaces across the country.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program: Internal Services
  • Sub-Program: Real Property Services
Performance Measurement

Expected result

Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Sustainable Workplace Operations
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace in place as of March 31, 2015.

Yes (March 31, 2015)

Implementation strategy element/best practice and targeted performance level for Sustainable Workplace Operations
Implementation strategy element or best practice Targeted performance level Engage employees in greening government operations practices.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (printer ratios, paper usage and green meetings).

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area. Reuse or recycle workplace materiel and assets in an environmentally sound and secure manner.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Goal 8: Water Management

Target 8.1: Water Management

As of April 1st, 2014, the Government of Canada will take further action to improve water management within its real property portfolio.

Scope and Context

Health Canada is custodian of nine buildings (seven laboratories, two support facilities) totalling 91,048 m2 and tenant in 195,900 m2 of leased space that accommodates approximately 8,913 employees in 81 locations. In addition, Health Canada owns six health facilities which provide First Nations and employees the space required to deliver health care services to First Nations communities.

Through the implementation of its Real Property Sustainability Framework, Health Canada will define its approach to sustainable water management within its real property portfolio.

Health Canada's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program: Internal Services
  • Sub-Program: Real Property Services
Performance Measurement

Expected result

Water is managed sustainably in Government of Canada real property operations.

Performance indicator and performance level target for Water Management
Performance indicator Targeted performance level

Approach to improving water management included in Real Property Sustainability Framework in place by March 31, 2015.

Yes (March 31, 2015)

Amount and % of floor space in buildings over 1000 m2 that includes water metering, in fiscal year 2016-17 (where feasible).

  • 91, 048 m2 existing Crown-owned
  • 100%
  • 0 m2 new Crown and built-to-lease
  • 0%
  • 0 m2 major renovations
  • 0%
  • 195,900 m2 leases
  • 100%
Implementation strategy element/best practice and targeted performance level for Water Management
Implementation strategy element or best practice Targeted performance level Conserve potable water.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Best Practice
8.1.2 Conduct potable water audits in Crown-owned assets.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

Best Practice
8.1.3 Analyze the water consumption data collected to determine steps to improve water management in Crown-owned assets.

Seeking to reach "Achieved" as defined by the guidelines for this target area.

5. Sustainable Development Management System

Health Canada is committed to sustainable development and contributes to the FSDS by delivering on its vision:

Health Canada is committed to improving the lives of all of Canada's people and to making this country's population among the healthiest in the world as measured by longevity, lifestyle and effective use of the public health care system.

Implicit in this vision is the recognition that integrating environmental, economic and social factors into Health Canada's policy development and decision making processes plays an important role in minimizing or mitigating risks to human health for present and future generations.

Health Canada is managing and aligning sustainable development with its internal policy and operational processes through:

  • its internal management structure;
  • its expenditure, planning and reporting system;
  • the application of analytical techniques; and
  • communication and outreach.

Internal management structure

Health Canada's Assistant Deputy Minister Champion of Sustainable Development leads processes and mechanisms, as required, to develop Health Canada's Sustainable Development Supplementary Information Table (SD SIT) and to report on its implementation. Decisions about sustainable development and how such decisions are applied in the context of Health Canada's mandate are brought to Health Canada's senior executive committee for consideration and approval.

Health Canada contributes to the federal approach to sustainable development by participating in standing and ad hoc interdepartmental working groups and committees.

Integration with Health Canada's expenditure management, planning and reporting processes

As part of the Government of Canada's reporting on FSDS, Health Canada presents its sustainable development commitments in the SD SIT to the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP). The Department reports on progress against these commitments in its annual SD SIT to the Department Performance Report (SD SIT to the DPR).

FSDS implementation strategies that Health Canada leads or supports are integrated into the Department's Management Resources and Results Structure. As a basis for reporting, Health Canada measures and monitors progress against FSDS commitments as follows:

  • Goals and Targets: At the government-wide level, under the FSDS, various environmental performance measures, otherwise known as indicators, have been established to assess progress against the FSDS goals and targets. These are presented in the FSDS. Some indicators that address the goals and targets for Themes 1, 2, and 3 have been developed by the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators initiative, with additional indicators coming from implicated federal departments.
  • Implementation Strategies: FSDS implementation strategies are generally more detailed and departmentally-focused than the FSDS goals and targets. As a result, specific Health Canada departmental performance measures are used to monitor Health Canada's progress in achieving its commitments.
  • Greening Government Operations (GGO): GGO involves government-wide targets for reducing the government's environmental footprint. Health Canada has established implementation strategies and a methodology to measure its progress in this area.

Application of analytical techniques

Successful integration of sustainable development into policies, plans and programs is supported by the use of analytical techniques and management practices that consider and incorporate environmental, social and economic objectives with the aim of preserving similar benefits for future generations.

The analytical techniques most commonly identified and used to inform decision-making and to manage risk include: cost-benefit analysis; workshops; risk assessment; advisory committees; and literature and case analysis. Risk management is embedded into Health Canada's evidence-based decision-making processes and provides reasonable assurance that policy objectives and desired outcomes will be achieved. Health Canada's approach to risk management is informed by the 2010 Treasury Board Secretariat's Framework for the Management of Risks and by the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle is inherent to evidence-based decision-making and is identified in the preambles of two pieces of legislation and in the body of another for which Health Canada has regulatory responsibilities: the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the Pest Control Products Act.

Communication and outreach

Health Canada's Assistant Deputy Minister Champion of Sustainable Development plays an important role in communicating the Department's sustainable development and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) policy and objectives to departmental employees and other senior managers. Information about Health Canada's role in sustainable development is available on the Department's Intranet.

6. Strategic Environmental Assessment

In 2015, Health Canada released the updated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Policy, guidance and supporting materials to respond to the 2014 Fall Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. The updated SEA Policy strengthens the Department's compliance with the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals (Cabinet Directive) by ensuring that all departmental proposals going for ministerial or Cabinet approval consider environmental implications.

As a means of supporting the revised SEA Policy, Health Canada continues to provide annual training to employees on the SEA process and requirements to help maintain compliance with the Cabinet Directive and to reinforce the importance of SEA as a tool for incorporating environmental considerations into the decision making process. Beginning in 2016, Health Canada employees will be required to complete an online SEA module in advance of the annual in-class training on the SEA process. This online module will present the Cabinet Directive and Health Canada requirements, allowing for more in-depth discussion and examination of case studies during the in-class component.

Health Canada will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of FSDS goals and targets through the SEA process. An SEA for policy, plan or program proposals includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on FSDS goals and targets.

Public statements on the results of Health Canada's detailed assessment will be made public when an initiative is announced. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that the environmental effects, including the impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program have been considered during proposal development and decision making.

Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More

Anti-Drug Strategy Initiatives (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Anti-Drug Strategy Initiatives (Voted)

Start date

December 4, 2014

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 2.5 Substance Use and Abuse
    • Sub-Program 2.5.2 Controlled Substances

The Anti-Drug Strategy Initiatives (ADSI) consolidates two previous Health Canada contribution funding programs, the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund (DSCIF) and the Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP), into one joint fund and continues to deliver the National Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS) Prevention and Treatment Action Plan mandates.

Health Canada will deliver the ADSI to support substance abuse initiatives in health promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery for key target groups including youth, seniors and other sub-populations that face known health inequities.

The overall objective of the ADSI is to facilitate the development of solutions to substance abuse problems along the continuum of care from health promotion and prevention to treatment and recovery by: preventing substance abuse issues and related problems; facilitating improvements to the treatment continuum of care; and improving awareness, knowledge and skills of key stakeholders.

ADSI will focus on enhancing collaboration and knowledge exchange within and amongst stakeholders, making evidence-informed information and resources available to stakeholders, strengthening community and provincial/territorial capacity to address substance abuse, improving the capacity of target populations to make informed decisions about substance use and promoting the uptake of evidence-informed information on substance.

Expected results

Under ADSI, activities will contribute to results including reduced risk-taking behaviour associated with substance abuse and increased efficiency and effectiveness of treatment and prevention programs, services and systems.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • DSCIF - 2014-15
  • DTFP - 2013-14
Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

There will be an evaluation led by Justice Canada of the NADS (including DSCIF and DTFP) in 2016-17. ADSI will also be evaluated by Health Canada in 2019-20.

General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit health organizations such as regional health councils, public health units and community health organizations, Canadian not-for-profit organizations and registered not-for-profit charitable organizations, Canadian institutions including universities, boards of education and other centres of education in Canada, other levels of government including provinces, territories and municipalities, and their agencies, Métis, Inuit and off-reserve First Nations not-for-profit organizations; business sector associations, ad hoc groups or steering committees representing organizations that purposefully come together to address drug issues in their communities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

ADSI engages applicants and recipients by responding to inquiries and regular monitoring activities such as performance measurement and evaluation training and reporting, site visits and knowledge exchange meetings and other mechanisms to share project strategies and lessons learned.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Anti-Drug Strategy Initiatives
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 26,350,014 26,350,014 26,350,014 26,350,014
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 26,350,014 26,350,014 26,350,014 26,350,014

Canada Brain Research Fund to Advance Knowledge for the Treatment of Brain Disorders (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Canada Brain Research Fund to Advance Knowledge for the Treatment of Brain Disorders (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2011 [actual funding received through Supplementary Estimates (C) 2011-12]

End date

March 31, 2020

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

No standalone Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) were developed. Ts & Cs are included within the current Contribution Agreement.

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

Funding of up to $100M over eight years for Brain Canada to establish a Canada Brain Research Fund, which will support Canadian neuroscience, and accelerate discoveries in this field. Brain Canada will raise resources from the private sector to match the Government's contribution to the Fund.

Expected results

An increase in the number of multidisciplinary, networked researchers and research projects in universities and teaching hospitals within Canada. This will lead to advanced knowledge of and new research on the brain.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

N/A (new program)

Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

An independent evaluation will be conducted in 2016-17. An evaluation will be conducted by Health Canada in 2016-17.

General targeted recipient groups

University and research hospital-based neuroscientists from across Canada.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients


Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Canada Brain Research Fund to Advance Knowledge for the Treatment of Brain Disorders
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spendingTable footnote *
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 6,180,793 5,794,032 29,949,108 22,268,811
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 6,180,793 5,794,032 29,949,108 22,268,811

Canadian Blood Services: Blood Research and Development Program (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Canadian Blood Services: Blood Research and Development Program (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2000

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) for this contribution program became effective April 1, 2013

Strategic Outcome

Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 2.1 Health Products
    • Sub-Program 2.1.2 Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals

To support basic, applied and clinical research on blood safety and blood product safety and effectiveness issues under the auspices of Canadian Blood Services.

Expected results

A strong research and development program that supports safety, quality and supply of blood and blood products.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Canadian Blood Services is the sole recipient under the T & Cs.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Meetings with recipients; knowledge transfer activities; site visits; analysis and follow-up of progress and financial reporting; and monitoring performance and results.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Canadian Blood Services: Blood Research and Development Program
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000

Contribution to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2008

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) as approved for the Contribution Agreement will apply to future Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) agreements until such time as they are superseded. The fiscal year for those Ts & Cs follows the traditional fiscal year calendar, from April 1 through March 31 of the following calendar year.

Effective April 1, 2013, the CADTH funding was transitioned to a Contribution Agreement from a Named Grant. The change allows Health Canada to augment monitoring and managements of the funds. Prior to March 31, 2018 CADTH will need to request a renewal of funding.

The previous Named Grant covered the period of 2008 to 2013.

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit agency funded by Canadian federal, provincial, territorial governments and Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies to provide credible, impartial advice and evidence-based information about the clinical and cost effectiveness of drugs and other health technologies to Canadian health care decision makers.

The purpose of the current Contribution Agreement is to provide financial assistance to support CADTH's core business activities, namely, the Common Drug Review (CDR) and the Health Technology Management (HTM) activities comprised under Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Optimal Use (OU).

Expected results

Expected results are: creation and dissemination of evidence-based information that supports informed decisions on the adoption and appropriate utilization of drugs and non-drug technologies, in terms of both effectiveness and cost.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • 2013-14;
  • An external evaluation of CADTH was conducted in 2012-13; and
  • Health Canada conducted a synthesis evaluation involving this program that was completed in 2013-14.
Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients
  • Drug Policy Advisory Committee and the Formulary and Optimal Use Working groups, Recommendations from the Common Drug Review and pan Canadian Oncology Review expert committees;
  • Evidence and information from HTA analyses and rapid responses;
  • Policy Forum;
  • Pharmaceutical Directors' Forum; and,
  • Health Technology Analysis Exchange.
Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contribution to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 16,058,769 16,058,769 16,058,769 16,058,769
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 16,058,769 16,058,769 16,058,769 16,058,769

Contribution to the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (Voted)

Start date

December 10, 2015

End date

March 31, 2017

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The contribution to the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) supports the federal government's interest (in a federal, provincial and territorial partnership context) in achieving an accessible, high quality, sustainable and accountable health system adaptable to the needs of Canadians. It is designed to support CFHI's work to identify savings and efficiencies in the health system by: building leadership and skill capacity; enabling patient, family and community engagement; applying improvement methodology to drive measurable results; and, creating collaboratives to spread evidence-informed improvements. A two-year contribution agreement is under development and anticipated to be in effect in early 2016.

Expected results

Funding to CFHI will be used to identify and accelerate the spread of promising innovations across Canada by supporting health care organizations to adapt, implement and measure improvements in patient care, health status and value for money in health care spending.

In particular, CFHI's activities are expected to result in: health care leaders that are knowledgeable and skilled in carrying out health care improvement; patients, families and communities that are engaged in health care improvement and co-design; and, the improvement of health care practices, delivery models and related policies of participating organizations.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

N/A (An external evaluation of CFHI was conducted in 2013-14)

Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

No planned evaluations due to limited time horizon of current funding.

General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Health Canada works with CFHI to establish activities to be carried out under the funding agreement and maintains regular contact with CFHI to monitor progress and compliance under the funding agreement.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contribution to the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 2,000,000 12,000,000 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 2,000,000 12,000,000 0 0

Note: CFHI is also reported under the Up-Front Multi-Year Funding section of the Supplementary Information Tables.

Contribution to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 1999

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

A Treasury Board Submission to establish new Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) for the Health Information Initiative (HII) was approved by Treasury Board on March 29, 2012. These new Ts & Cs provide the Federal Minister of Health the authority to renew Funding Agreements with the recipient without returning to Treasury Board Secretariat. There is no expiry date for the HII's Ts & Cs.

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization supported by federal, provincial and territorial governments (F/P/T) that provides essential data and analysis on Canada's health system and the health of Canadians. CIHI was created in 1994 by the F/P/T Ministers of Health to address significant gaps in health information. CIHI's data and its reports inform health policies, support the effective delivery of health services and raise awareness among Canadians about the factors that contribute to good health.

Since 1994, the Government of Canada has provided approximately $757 million in total to CIHI through a series of funding agreements. Under the current agreement, up to $396 million will be delivered to CIHI over 5 years (2012-13 to 2016-17). Presently, Health Canada funds 78% of CIHI's total budget, while the provincial and territorial governments contribute 19%. The remaining funds are generated through product sales.

This funding allows CIHI to provide essential information on Canada's health systems and the health of Canadians. CIHI provides comparable and actionable data and information that are used to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across Canada. CIHI's stakeholders use their broad range of health system databases, measurements and standards, together with their evidence-based reports and analyses, in their decision-making processes. CIHI also protects the privacy of Canadians by ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the health care information they provide.

Expected results

The expected results are as follows:

Be a trusted source of standards and quality by:

  • Increasing the use of health data standards to achieve quality data;
  • Close the data gaps in priority areas;
  • Make data collection easier and improve timeliness; and
  • Make data more accessible.

Expand analytical tools to support measurements of health systems by:

  • Comparing health systems in priority areas;
  • Enrich the information infrastructure, grouping methods and decision-support tools;
  • Expand our analytical products using innovative approaches, including data linkage and predictive modelling; and
  • Transform CIHI's digital presence into a core strategic asset.

Produce actionable analysis and accelerate its adoption by:

  • Producing analysis that contribute new information and insights, working with external partners and with intended end-users to create a culture of co-development;
  • Engage with stakeholders to enable better use of health data and information; and
  • Provide customized products and services to support decision-making needs.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

The HII was developed to support only CIHI; as such, CIHI is the only recipient of HII funding. This caveat is noted in the Ts & Cs for the HII, which stipulates that CIHI is, and only ever will be, the recipient of HII funding.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

CIHI is the sole recipient of HII funding.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contribution to the Canadian Institute for Health Information
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 78,508,979 78,748,979 78,748,979 78,808,979
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 78,508,979 78,748,979 78,748,979 78,808,979

Contribution to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2013

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The contribution to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) supports the federal government's interest (in a federal, provincial and territorial partnership context) in achieving an accessible, high quality, sustainable and accountable health system adaptable to the needs of Canadians. It is designed to improve the quality of health care services by providing a leadership role in building a culture of patient safety and quality improvement in the Canadian health care system through coordination across sectors, promotion of best practices, and advice on effective strategies to improve patient safety. The first five-year grant funding agreement with CPSI ended on March 31, 2008, and was renewed for an additional five years, starting April 1, 2008 and ending March 31, 2013. A new five-year contribution agreement began on April 1, 2013.

Expected results

CPSI provides leadership and coordination of efforts to prevent and reduce harm to patients, with an emphasis on four key areas: education, with a focus on developing curriculum and training programs; interventions and programs, with a focus on coordinating and supporting evidence-informed clinical interventions and programs; research, to increase the scope and scale of patient safety research; and tools and resources, with a focus on creating tools and resources that can be applied by health care organizations. For 2013-18, CPSI is focusing and aligning its activities with a new emphasis on the strategic goals that are most likely to drive further system-level transformation over the five-year period, and beyond. This includes an overarching goal to develop a National Integrated Patient Safety Action Plan that will identify the priority patient safety areas most likely to lead to system-wide change and find ways to increase the pace of safety improvements.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • An external evaluation of CPSI was conducted in 2012-13; and
  • Health Canada conducted a synthesis evaluation involving this program that was completed in 2013-14.
Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Health Canada works with CPSI to establish activities to be carried out under the funding agreement and maintains regular contact with CPSI to monitor progress and compliance under the funding agreement.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contribution to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 7,600,000 7,600,000 7,600,000 7,600,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 7,600,000 7,600,000 7,600,000 7,600,000

Contribution to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2007

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions (Ts & Cs) are embedded in the funding agreement.

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The Partnership is an independent, not-for-profit corporation established to implement the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (CSCC). The CSCC was developed in consultation with more than 700 cancer experts and stakeholders with the following objectives: (1) to reduce the expected number of new cases of cancer among Canadians; (2) to enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer; and (3) to lessen the likelihood of Canadians dying from cancer. Health Canada is responsible for managing the funding to the corporation. The Partnership's initial five-year grant provided $250 million for 2007-08 to 2011-12, and a named contribution agreement will provide an additional five years and $241 million for 2012-13 to 2016-17.

Expected results

Enhanced cancer control through knowledge management and the coordination of efforts among the provinces and territories, cancer experts, stakeholder groups, and Aboriginal organizations to champion change, improve health outcomes related to cancer, and leverage existing investments. A coordinated, knowledge-centered approach to cancer control is expected to significantly reduce the economic burden of cancer, alleviate current pressures on the health care system, and bring together information for all Canadians, no matter where they live.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Health Canada works with the Partnership to establish activities to be carried out under the funding agreement. This also includes maintaining regular contact with the Partnership to monitor progress and compliance under the funding agreement.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning Information (dollars) for Contribution to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 47,500,000 47,500,000 47,500,000Table footnote * 47,500,000Table footnote *
Total other types of transfer payments        
Total program 47,500,000 47,500,000 47,500,000 47,500,000Table footnote *

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2011

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 3.3 Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit
    • Sub-Program 3.3.1 First Nations and Inuit Health System Capacity
      • Sub-Sub-Program Health Planning and Quality Management
      • Sub-Sub-Program Health Human Resources
      • Sub-Sub-Program Health Facilities
    • Sub-Program 3.3.2 First Nations and Inuit Health System Transformation
      • Sub-Sub-Program e-Health Infostructure
    • Sub-Program 3.3.3 Tripartite Health Governance

The Health Infrastructure Support Authority underpins the long-term vision of an integrated health system with greater First Nations and Inuit control by enhancing their capacity to design, manage, deliver and evaluate quality health programs and services. It provides the foundation to support the delivery of programs and services in First Nations communities and for individuals, and to promote innovation and partnerships in health care delivery to better meet the unique health needs of First Nations and Inuit. The funds are used for: planning and management for the delivery of quality health services; construction and maintenance of health facilities; research activities; encouraging Aboriginal people to pursue health careers; investments in technologies to modernize health services; and integrating and realigning the governance of existing health services.

Expected results
  • Innovative and integrated health governance relationships are increased;
  • The capacity of First Nations and Inuit to influence and/or control (design, deliver, and manage) health programs and services is improved;
  • Quality in the delivery of programs and services is improved;
  • The capacity to deliver health programs and services is increased;
  • Greater participation of Aboriginal people in post-secondary education leading to health careers;
  • Health facilities on and off reserve, that support program delivery, are safe;
  • Health programs and services are supported through effective community capacity to manage their health plans;
  • Key stakeholders in Aboriginal health are engaged in the integration of health services;
  • Access to e-Health technologies is improved;
  • Integration of the health systems serving First Nations and Inuit; and
  • Reciprocal accountability amongst tripartite governance partners, as stated in section 2.2 of the British Columbia Tripartite Framework Agreement on First Nations Health Governance.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • Health Planning and Quality Management: 2011-12;
  • Health Facilities and Capital: 2011-12;
  • e-Health Infostructure: 2011-12;
  • BC Tripartite contributions: 2012-13;
  • First Nations Nursing Innovation Strategy: 2013-14; and
  • First Nations and Inuit Health Human Resources: 2013-14.
Decision following the results of last evaluation
  • Health Planning and Quality Management: Continuation;
  • Health Facilities and Capital: Continuation;
  • e-Health Infostructure: Continuation;
  • BC Tripartite contributions: Continuation;
  • First Nations Nursing Innovation Strategy: Continuation; and
  • First Nations and Inuit Health Human Resources: Pending.
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation
  • Health Planning and Quality Management: 2016-17;
  • Health Facilities: 2016-17;
  • First Nations and Inuit Health Services Integration Fund: 2020-21;
  • e-Health Infostructure: 2016-17; and
  • BC Tripartite Governance: 2017-18.
General targeted recipient groups

First Nations in Canada (i.e., Communities, Bands, District, Tribal Councils and Associations), Inuit Associations, Councils and Hamlets, Canadian National Aboriginal Organizations, non-governmental and voluntary associations and organizations, including non-profit corporations, educational institutions, hospitals and treatment centres, municipal, provincial and territorial governments, Health Authorities and Health Agencies.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Health Canada-First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Strategic Plan provides overall guidance on where efforts need to be focused in the short-, medium-, and long-term to improve First Nations and Inuit health outcomes over time. More specifically, the Strategic Goal 2: Working together will include better mechanisms for First Nations and Inuit to feed into the Branch's planning and decisions including contribution programs management and delivery. Goal 2 includes two key elements:

  • 2.1 Improve health outcomes by strengthening partnerships with First Nations, Inuit, provinces, territories and other government departments - finding new, better and culturally appropriate ways to collaborate, plan and work together; and
  • 2.2 Continue to support First Nations and Inuit in their aim to influence, manage and/or control health programs and services that affect them.

It is a priority of Health Canada to advance collaborative efforts with provinces/territories and First Nations and Inuit to ensure quality service delivery. Much of the ongoing work under this program activity involves engagement and coordination of health infrastructure initiatives with partners, particularly the Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). Through collaboration efforts, partners explore and develop approaches in areas of mutual interest for advancing First Nations and Inuit health, guide health survey research and analysis, and seek to harmonize or improve the practices and systems that departments use to manage contribution agreements.

In order to streamline and reduce reporting and administrative burden associated with grants and contributions, the Branch will continue its efforts to standardize recipient reporting, multi-departmental contribution agreements, and standardization of processes, procedures requirements, and tools for transfer payment programs through the joint Grants and Contributions Information Management System project initiative between Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada and INAC.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 628,333,082 645,276,337 676,013,044 691,864,957
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 628,333,082 645,276,337 676,013,044 691,864,957

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2011

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 3.1 First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
    • Sub-Program 3.1.1 First Nations and Inuit Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
      • Sub-Sub-Program Healthy Child Development
      • Sub-Sub-Program Mental Wellness
      • Sub-Sub-Program Healthy Living
    • Sub-Program 3.1.2 First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection
      • Sub-Sub-Program Communicable Disease Control and Management
      • Sub-Sub-Program Environmental Public Health
    • Sub-Program 3.1.3 First Nations and Inuit Primary Care
      • Sub-Sub-Program Clinical and Client Care
      • Sub-Sub-Program Home and Community Care

The Primary Health Care Authority funds a suite of programs, services and strategies provided primarily to First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities living on-reserve or in Inuit communities. It encompasses health promotion and disease prevention programs to improve health outcomes and reduce health risks; public health protection, including surveillance, to prevent and/or mitigate human health risks associated with communicable diseases and exposure to environmental hazards; and primary care where individuals are provided diagnostic, curative, rehabilitative, supportive, palliative/end-of-life care, and referral services.

Expected results
  • First Nations and Inuit are healthy and safe;
  • First Nations and Inuit communities have capacity to deliver community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs and services;
  • First Nations have access to healthy child development programs and services;
  • Women in First Nations communities have access to breastfeeding and pre/postnatal nutrition services and supports;
  • First Nations and Inuit clients who have received addictions treatment abstain from or decrease drug and alcohol use up to six months after completing treatment;
  • First Nations and Inuit have access to mental wellness programs and services;
  • First Nations and Inuit have access to healthy living programs and services;
  • First Nations are engaged in healthy behaviours;
  • First Nations have community capacity to respond to health emergencies;
  • Communicable diseases among First Nations on-reserve are prevented, mitigated and/or treated
  • Environmental health risks relating to water quality are decreased in First Nations and Inuit communities;
  • First Nations children on-reserve are vaccinated against mumps, measles and rubella (MMR);
  • Information about environmental health hazards in First Nations communities is available to decision-makers (at Health Canada and local First Nations and Inuit communities);
  • First Nations communities have access to collaborative service delivery arrangements with external primary care service providers;
  • First Nations and Inuit populations have access to clinical and client care services;
  • Health Canada nurses providing Clinical and Client Care services have completed mandatory training; and
  • First Nations and Inuit populations have access to home and community care services.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • Environmental Health and Environmental Research: 2011-12;
  • Mental Health and Addictions: 2012-13;
  • Clinical and Client Care: 2013-14;
  • Home and Community Care: 2013-14;
  • First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan: 2013-14;
  • Protect Human Health from Environmental Contaminates: 2013-14;
  • Healthy Living and Healthy Child: 2014-15; and
  • Communicable Disease Control and Management: 2014-15.
Decision following the results of last evaluation
  • Environmental Health and Environmental Research: Continuation;
  • Mental Health and Addictions: Continuation;
  • Clinical and Client Care: Continuation;
  • Home and Community Care: Continuation;
  • First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan: Continuation;
  • Protect Human Health from Environmental Contaminates: Continuation;
  • Healthy Living and Healthy Child: Pending; and
  • Communicable Disease Control and Management: Pending.
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation
  • Mental Wellness: 2016-17;
  • Environmental Health: 2016-17;
  • Clinical and Client Care: 2017-18;
  • Home and Community Care: 2018-19; and
  • First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan: 2018-19.
General targeted recipient groups

One or more of the following recipient groups as established under the approved Terms and Conditions: First Nations and Inuit organizations or communities in Canada; non-governmental and voluntary associations and organizations; municipal, provincial and territorial governments; Health Authorities; and Health Agencies.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Health Canada-First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Strategic Plan provides overall guidance on where efforts need to be focused in the short-, medium-, and long-term to improve First Nations and Inuit health outcomes over time. More specifically, the Strategic Goal 2: Working together will include better mechanisms for First Nations and Inuit to feed into the Branch's planning and decisions including contribution programs management and delivery. Goal 2 includes two key elements:

  • 2.1 Improve health outcomes by strengthening partnerships with First Nations, Inuit, provinces, territories and other government departments - finding new, better and culturally appropriate ways to collaborate, plan and work together; and
  • 2.2 Continue to support First Nations and Inuit in their aim to influence, manage and/or control health programs and services that affect them.

A priority for Health Canada is the advancement of collaborative efforts with provinces/territories and First Nations and Inuit to ensure quality service delivery. Through these collaborative relationships, Health Canada is also managing risks related to health systems transformation.

In order to streamline and reduce reporting and administrative burden associated with grants and contributions, the Branch will continue its efforts to standardize recipient reporting, multi-departmental contribution agreements, and standardization of processes, procedures requirements, and tools for transfer payment programs through the joint Grants and Contributions Information Management System project initiative between Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 663,221,547 621,858,728 634,672,523 636,679,277
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 663,221,547 621,858,728 634,672,523 636,679,277

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2011

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 3.2 Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit


The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program provides a specified range of medically necessary health-related goods and services to registered Indians (according to the Indian Act) and Inuit (recognized by one of the Inuit Land Claim Organizations) regardless of residency in Canada where not otherwise covered under a separate agreement (e.g. a self-government agreement) with federal, provincial or territorial governments. The benefits under the NIHB Program include the following, where not otherwise provided to eligible clients through other private or provincial/territorial programs: pharmacy benefits (prescription drugs and some over-the-counter medication), medical supplies and equipment, dental care, vision care, short-term crisis intervention mental health counselling, and medical transportation benefits to access medically required health services not available on reserve or in the community of residence.

Expected results

First Nations and Inuit have access to non-insured health benefits.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

Non-Insured Health Benefits: 2010-11

Decision following the results of last evaluation

Non-Insured Health Benefits: Continuation

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits: 2016-17

General targeted recipient groups

First Nations and Inuit organizations or communities in Canada (i.e., Communities, Bands, Tribal Councils and Associations), hospitals and treatment centres, municipal, provincial and territorial governments, and Health Authorities.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Health Canada-First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Strategic Plan provides overall guidance on where efforts need to be focused in the short-, medium-, and long-term to improve First Nations and Inuit health outcomes over time. More specifically, the Strategic Goal 2: Working together will include better mechanisms for First Nations and Inuit to feed into the Branch's planning and decisions including contribution programs management and delivery. Goal 2 includes two key elements:

  • 2.1 Improve health outcomes by strengthening partnerships with First Nations, Inuit, provinces, territories and other government departments - finding new, better and culturally appropriate ways to collaborate, plan and work together; and
  • 2.2 Continue to support First Nations and Inuit in their aim to influence, manage and/or control health programs and services that affect them.

A key initiative is to work collaboratively with stakeholders and regions to develop and implement a five-year management plan for the NIHB Program. As part of this initiative, some regional offices, such as Québec, will be consulting First Nations on a five year Operational Framework and Action Plan, as well as collaborating with headquarters in Ottawa on the development of an Inuit-specific engagement process on NIHB.

In order to streamline and reduce reporting and administrative burden associated with grants and contributions, the Branch will continue its efforts to standardize recipient reporting, multi-departmental contribution agreements, and standardization of processes, procedures requirements, and tools for transfer payment programs through the joint Grants and Contributions Information Management System project initiative between Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 202,486,815 210,928,523 200,884,308 200,884,308
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 202,486,815 210,928,523 200,884,308 200,884,308

Grant to support the Mental Health Commission of Canada (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Grant to support the Mental Health Commission of Canada (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2008

End date

March 31, 2017

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

2008-09 to 2016-17

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

In Budget 2007, the federal government committed $130M over 10 years to establish the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), an arm's length, not-for profit organization designed to improve health and social outcomes for people and their families living with mental illness.

Expected results

Over the course of this grant, the Commission is expected to lead the development of a national mental health strategy, create a Knowledge Exchange Centre, and launch an anti-stigma campaign, including public education and awareness.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation
  • 2010-11 (independent formative evaluation managed by the MHCC); and
  • Health Canada conducted a synthesis evaluation involving this program that was completed in 2013-14.
Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

A Health Portfolio evaluation to examine relevance/performance of mental health activities was initiated in 2014-15; and will be completed in 2015-16. An evaluation of Mental Health and Mental Illness activities (including the Mental Health Commission) will take place in 2020-21.

General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients


Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Grant to support the Mental Health Commission of Canada
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 14,250,000 14,250,000 0 0
Total contributions 0 0 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 14,250,000 14,250,000 0 0

Health Care Policy Contribution Program (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Health Care Policy Contribution Program (Voted)

Start date

September 24, 2002

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The Health Care Policy Contribution Program (HCPCP) provides up to $25.7 million per fiscal year in time-limited contribution funding for projects that address specific health care system priorities, including building the evidence base and advancing innovation in the areas of health human resources, system adaptation to the needs of an aging population, high users of health care, and supporting the changing role of patients and their families. Through the implementation of funding arrangements and a variety of stakeholder engagement activities, Health Canada will contribute to the development and application of effective approaches to support sustainable improvements to the health care system.

Expected results

Program funding will support a wide range of projects designed to ultimately contribute to improvements in the health care system, including improvements in the experiences and/or health outcomes of Canadians. For example, health care innovation projects will support activities that develop, implement, and evaluate tools, models, and practices that address identified health care system priorities. Other projects will produce resources that enable health providers to maximize their roles in a range of settings; provide system managers and decision makers with data and decision making tools to enhance system planning and performance; and engage key stakeholders in collaborative efforts that contribute to specific health care system improvements relevant to program priorities.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations, Other Levels of Government and Other National organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Program engages recipients, potential recipients, and the public in various ways, for example, through stakeholder meetings and project site visits and by providing opportunities for stakeholder input in the development of program tools and templates.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Health Care Policy Contribution Program
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 25,709,000 25,509,000 25,709,000 25,709,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 25,709,000 25,509,000 25,709,000 25,709,000

Official Languages Health Contribution Program (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Official Languages Health Contribution Program (Voted)

Start date

June 18, 2003

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions

Terms and conditions (Ts & Cs) for the Official Languages Health Contribution Program were last revised and approved by the Minister of Health on March 22, 2013. These revised Ts & Cs are in effect from April 1, 2013 onward.

Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 1.3 Official Language Minority Community Development


The Official Languages Health Contribution Program, under the Roadmap for Canada's Official Languages 2013-2018, Education, Immigration, Communities was approved for a five-year period (2013-14 to 2017-18) with a total budget of $174.3 million, to support three mutually reinforcing components:

  1. Integrating health professionals for official language minority communities (OLMCs) ($106.5 million);
  2. Strengthening local health networking capacity ($25 million); and,
  3. Health services access and retention projects ($38.5 million).

Funding is also used to strengthen Health Canada's capacity to administer the Program ($4.3 million).

The "Integrating health professionals for official language minority communities" component funds French-language academic health programs in 11 colleges and universities outside of Québec to generate additional health professionals in French minority language communities. Funding supports student/teacher recruitment, French language training tools, teaching equipment purchases, and support to professors and students within each institution (e.g., bursaries and internships). Health Canada also supports a national secretariat for promoting and coordinating health professional training initiatives across French language post-secondary institutions outside Québec. The strategy in Québec is to provide funding to one coordinating organization for English and French language courses to health professionals and intake personnel (such as medical secretaries) who are already working in the health system in all administrative regions of Québec.

The "Strengthening local health networking capacity" component provides funding so that 38 existing community-based health networks across Canada continue operating and making improvements in health and health services access for official language minority communities. The networks located in English and French linguistic minority communities are engaging local and regional health planning authorities to help ensure that they are responsive to the needs of official language minority communities and are integrating bilingual health professionals.

The "Health services access and retention projects" component provides funding for activities aimed at encouraging bilingual health professionals to practice in official language minority communities, engaging front-line health service providers in providing services in the second official language, supporting health human resource retention strategies, and addressing health needs specific to the demographics of official language minority communities.

Expected results
  • Increased access to bilingual health professionals and intake staff in official language minority communities.

    Indicator: Number of health graduates working in official language minority communities (target year: 2016-17).

  • Increased offering of services in the minority language within health institutions and communities.

    Indicator: Number of health institutions and communities where bilingual health services are available for official language minority communities (target year: 2016-17).

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Eligible recipients under the Program are non-profit entities and provincially accredited postsecondary institutions, all of which are working to improve the health of OLMCs and to promote linguistic duality in Canadian society. Provincial and territorial government bodies (with the exception of federal government departments, agencies and corporations) are also eligible for funding.

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Health Canada analysis and review of financial cash flows and outcomes for each recipient, accompanied by bilateral discussions on the nature of the outcomes and their pertinence to meeting program objectives for improving health and health services in both official languages.

Regular meetings between Health Canada officials and recipient organizations, including management meetings, community-based events (conferences, consultations, research fora), face-to-face meetings, and site visits.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Official Languages Health Contribution Program
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 36,400,000 36,400,000 33,800,000 33,800,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 36,400,000 36,400,000 33,800,000 33,800,000

Territorial Health Investment Fund (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Territorial Health Investment Fund (Voted)

Start date

April 1, 2014

End date

March 31, 2017

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The Territorial Health Investment Fund (THIF) is a three-year investment of $70M to support territorial health systems, starting in 2014.

The THIF targets priority health areas (children's oral health, mental health and chronic disease) and is intended to strengthen territorial capacity to manage and deliver health services in those targeted areas, which in turn can lead to a reduced reliance on medical travel. Its design features three streams, Territorial, Pan-Territorial and Medical travel.

The territorial stream ($13M per fiscal year, $4.33M per territory) funds projects to strengthen health services in-territory in the targeted areas that have persistent challenges and poor health outcomes. The Pan-territorial stream provides $2M per fiscal year for collaboratively developed projects that offer innovative solutions to health systems problems. The territories may also leverage Pan-territorial Stream investments to reform medical travel. The Medical Travel Stream ($12M in 2014-15, $8M in 2015-16, $5M in 2016-17) is a declining subsidy to offset territories eligible medical transportation costs in the short term, incenting immediate measures to reform medical travel programs and protocols and increase service capacity in-territory.

Expected results
  • Acts as a catalyst to address current and emerging health issues and priorities; and
  • Improved and maintained strategic partnerships with key national Provincial/Territorial regional partners (e.g., through funding such as Grants & Contributions) to advance health system priorities.
Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

N/A (new program)

Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation

The evaluation is scheduled for 2017-18.

General targeted recipient groups

Territorial governments (Government of the Northwest Territories, Government of Yukon, Government of Nunavut)

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

The Health Canada-First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Strategic Plan provides overall guidance on where efforts need to be focused in the short-, medium-, and long-term to improve First Nations and Inuit health outcomes over time. More specifically, the Strategic Goal 2: Working together will include better mechanisms for First Nations and Inuit to feed into the Branch's planning and decisions including contribution programs management and delivery. Goal 2 includes the following element:

  • 2.1 Improve health outcomes by strengthening partnerships with First Nations, Inuit, provinces, territories and other government departments - finding new, better and culturally appropriate ways to collaborate, plan and work together.

It is a priority of Health Canada to advance collaborative efforts with provinces/territories and First Nations and Inuit to ensure quality service delivery. Much of the ongoing work under this program activity involves engagement and coordination of health infrastructure initiatives with partners. In order to streamline and reduce reporting and administrative burden associated with grants and contributions, the Branch will continue its efforts to standardize recipient reporting, multi-departmental contribution agreements, and standardization of processes, procedures requirements, and tools for transfer payment programs through the joint Grants and Contributions Information Management System project initiative between Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Territorial Health Investment Fund
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 23,000,000 20,000,000 0 0
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 23,000,000 20,000,000 0 0

Thalidomide Survivors Contribution Program

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Thalidomide Survivors Contribution Program (Voted)

Start date

June 19, 2015

End date

March 31, 2021Footnote 4

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Fiscal year for terms and conditions


Strategic Outcome

A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program activity 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

The Program objectives are to ensure that, for the remainder of their lives, eligible thalidomide survivors:

  1. receive ongoing tax-free payments based on their level of disability; and
  2. have transparent and easy access to the Extraordinary Medical Assistance Fund.
Expected results

Expected results are that thalidomide survivors will access care, treatment and/or support which in turn will contribute to their aging with dignity.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

N/A (new program)

Decision following the results of last evaluation


Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Canadian not-for-profit and for-profit organizations

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients

Applicants and recipients are engaged through solicitation processes and regular monitoring activities such as reporting, performance measurement, meetings and ongoing communication to support simple, pro-active, accessible program delivery to meet the needs of thalidomide survivors. Key stakeholders are engaged in program design.

Planning Information (dollars)
Planning information (dollars) - Thalidomide Survivors Contribution Program
Type of transfer payment 2015–16
Forecast spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Planned spending
Total grants 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 8,000,000 8,160,000 8,323,200 8,489,664
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 8,000,000 8,160,000 8,323,200 8,489,664

Disclosure of Transfer Payment Programs Under $5 Million

Contribution to Strengthen Canada's Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation System (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Contribution to Strengthen Canada's Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation System (Voted)

End date


Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation


Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 2.1 Health Products
    • Sub-Program 2.1.2 Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals
Main objective

To support the development of a national organ and tissue donation and transplantation system that will improve and extend the quality of the lives of Canadians while respecting the federal role and interest in organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

Planned spending for 2016–17


Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Canadian Blood Services is the sole recipient under the Terms and Conditions.

Funding to the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care providers (Statutory payment)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Funding to the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care providers (Statutory payment)

End date

March 31, 2017

Type of transfer payment


Type of appropriation

Statutory (Budget Implementation Act, 2013)

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities
Main objective

Pallium Canada will deliver training to healthcare providers essential to meeting the urgent and emerging palliative care needs for the growing number of Canadians living with life-threatening conditions across rural, remote and urban settings and populations, including Aboriginal peoples.

Planned spending for 2016–17

$788,401Footnote 5

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation

N/A (this initiative commenced in March 2014)

General targeted recipient groups

Non-profit organizations

Mood Disorders Society of Canada (Voted)

General Information

Name of transfer payment program

Mood Disorders Society of Canada (Voted)

End date

March 31, 2017

Type of transfer payment


Type of Appropriation


Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities
Main objective

Provide funding to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada of up to $5.2 million over five years (2012-13 to 2016-17) to:

  1. Establish the Canadian Depression Research and Intervention Network ($5 million); and
  2. Develop and implement a national Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Continuing Medical Education training program for family physicians and specialists ($200,000).
Planned spending for 2016–17


Fiscal year of last completed evaluation


General targeted recipient groups

Non-Profit Organizations

Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations Over the Next Three Fiscal Years

Internal Audits Footnote 6
Title of internal audit Internal audit type Status Expected completion date
Audit of Regional Laboratories (Carry over from 2015-16) Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls In progress May 2016
First Nations and Inuit Capital (Carry over from 2015-16) Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls In progress September 2016
Audit of Key Financial Controls Internal Controls In progress September 2016
Audit of the BC Tripartite Health Benefits Services Agreement Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls In progress September 2016
Audit of Information Technology (IT) Security – Phase II/Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) audit (Joint with Public Health Agency of Canada) Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls In progress February 2017
Audit of the Grants and Contributions Framework Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls Planned May 2017
Audit of Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls Planned May 2017
Audit of Marihuana for Medical Purposes Program Governance, Risk Management, Internal Controls Planned February 2018
Audit of Costing/OCG audit Internal Controls Planned February 2018
Evaluations Footnote 7
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Title of the evaluation Planned evaluation start date Planned deputy head approval date
1.1.1 Health System Priorities Evaluation of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health October 2015 March 2017
1.1.1 Health System Priorities Evaluation of the Contributions to Brain Canada December 2015 September 2016
1.3 Official Language Minority Community Development Evaluation of the Official Languages Health Contribution Program August 2015 June 2016
2.5.1 Tobacco Control Evaluation of the Tobacco Program September 2015 December 2016 Mental Wellness Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Mental Wellness March 2014 June 2016 Environmental Public Health Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Environmental Health January 2015 September 2016
3.2 Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits (Non-Insured Health Benefits) March 2014 December 2016 Health Planning and Quality Management Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Health Planning and Quality Management January 2015 September 2016 Health Facilities Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Health Facilities November 2015 March 2017 e-Health Infostructure Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit e-Health Infostructure January 2016 March 2017
1.1 Canadian Health System Policy Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Territorial Health Investment Fund July 2016 December 2017
1.1.1 Health System Priorities Evaluation of the Contributions to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute July 2016 June 2017
1.2 Specialized Health Services Evaluation of the Public Service Health Program including Internationally Protected Persons July 2016 June 2017
2.1.2 Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Evaluation of the Canadian Blood Services Grant and Contribution Program October 2016 September 2017
  • 2.1.3 Medical Devices,
  • 2.6.2 Radiation Emitting Devices
Evaluation of the Medical Devices Program April 2017 March 2018
2.2.1 Food Safety Evaluation of Food Safety January 2017 December 2017
2.5.2 Controlled Substances Evaluation of the Marijuana for Medical Purposes Program October 2016 September 2017 Clinical and Client Care Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Clinical and Client Care October 2016 March 2018
3.3.3 Tripartite Health Governance Evaluation of the BC Tripartite Governance July 2016 December 2017
1.1.1 Health System Priorities Evaluation of the Health Care Policy Contribution Program July 2017 June 2018
2.1.1 Pharmaceutical Drugs Evaluation of the Pharmaceutical Drugs Program October 2017 September 2018
2.1.2 Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Evaluation of the Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Program April 2018 March 2019
  • 2.3.1 Air Quality,
  • 2.3.2 Water Quality,
  • 2.3.3 Health Impacts of Chemicals,
  • Environmental Public Health
Evaluation of the Implementation of an Action Plan to protect Human Health from Environmental Contaminants January 2018 December 2018
  • 2.4.1 Consumer Product Safety,
  • 2.6.2 Radiation Emitting Devices,
  • 2.7 Pesticides
Evaluation of Consumer Product Safety October 2017 September 2018 Environmental Public Health Evaluation of the First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan July 2017 December 2018 Home and Community Care Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care January 2017 June 2018 Health Human Resources Evaluation of First Nations and Inuit Health Human Resources January 2017 June 2018

Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, formerly the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

General Information

Name of recipient

Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI), formerly the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF)

Start date


End date


Strategic Outcome

A Health System Responsive to the Needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

When CHSRF was established as an independent organization, its priorities were to bring researchers and decision-makers together to identify gaps in applied health services research, fund the researchers who could investigate those gaps, and promote best practices of health services delivery and their outcomes. To reflect the evolution of its work, CHSRF was renamed the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) in 2012. CFHI aims to identify proven innovations and accelerate their spread across Canada by supporting healthcare organizations to adapt, implement and measure improvements in patient care, population health and value-for-money.

Up-front multi-year funding to CFHI has included:

  • 1996-97: A $66.5 million endowment established the CHSRF. Additional federal grants were provided to CHSRF for the following purposes:
    • 1999: $25 million to support a ten-year program to develop capacity for research on nursing recruitment, retention, management, leadership and the issues emerging from health system restructuring (Nursing Research Fund).
    • 1999: $35 million to support its participation in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
    • 2003: $25 million to develop a program to equip health system managers and their organizations with the skills to find, assess, interpret and use research to better manage the Canadian health care system (Executive Training for Research Application or EXTRA).
Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (in dollars)
Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (in dollars) - Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement
Total Funding Approved Total Funding Received Planned Funding
Planned Funding
Planned Funding
  • 1996 - 66,500,000
  • 1999 - 60,000,000
  • 2003 - 25,000,000
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Note: CFHI is also reported under the Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 Million or More section of the Supplementary Information Tables

Summary of annual plans of recipient

CFHI facilitates ongoing interaction, collaboration, and exchange of ideas and information between governments, policy-makers, health system leaders and providers. It does so by converting evidence and innovative practices into actionable health care improvement policies, programs, tools and leadership development programs.

The up-front multi-year funding to CFHI is largely depleted and CFHI's planned programming for 2016-17 will be supported by contribution funding. CFHI plans to hold the remainder of its up-front multi-year funding in reserve for possible use in future fiscal years and for potential obligations related to its pension plan and prior operations.

Canada Health Infoway

General Information

Name of recipient

Canada Health Infoway (Infoway)

Start date

March 31, 2001Footnote 8

End date

March 31, 2015Footnote 9

Strategic Outcome

A Health System Responsive to the Needs of Canadians.

Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1 Canadian Health System Policy
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1 Health System Priorities

Canada Health Infoway Inc. is an independent, not-for-profit corporation established in 2001 to accelerate the development of electronic health technologies such as electronic health records (EHRs) and telehealth on a pan-Canadian basis. Its Corporate Members are the 14 federal, provincial and territorial Deputy Ministers of Health.

To date, the Government of Canada has committed the following funding allocations to Infoway: $500 million in 2001 in support of the September 2000 First Ministers' Action Plan for Health System Renewal to strengthen a Canada-wide health infostructure, with the EHR as a priority; $600 million in the First Ministers' Health Accord of February 2003, to accelerate implementation of the EHR and Telehealth; $100 million as part of Budget 2004 to support development of a pan-Canadian health surveillance system; and $400 million as part of Budget 2007 to support continued work on EHRs and wait times reductions. Also, as confirmed in Budget 2010, Canada's Economic Action Plan allocated an additional $500 million to Infoway, to support continued implementation of EHRs, implementation of electronic medical records (EMRs) in physicians' offices, and integration of points of service with the EHR system. Infoway invests in electronic health projects in collaboration with a range of partners, in particular provincial and territorial governments, typically on a cost-shared basis. Project payments are made based on the completion of pre-determined milestones.

It is anticipated that Infoway's approach, where federal, provincial and territorial governments participate toward a goal of modernizing electronic health information systems, will reduce costs and improve the quality of healthcare and patient safety in Canada through coordination of effort, avoidance of duplication and errors, and improved access to patient data.

Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (in dollars)
Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (in dollars) - Canada Health Infoway (Infoway)
Total Funding Approved Total Funding Received Planned Funding
Planned Funding
Planned Funding
2,100,000,000 1,996,802,758Table footnote * To be determinedTable footnote ** To be determinedTable footnote ** To be determinedTable footnote **
Summary of annual plans of recipient

As pointed out by a number of national reviews, most recently the federal Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation, Canada's health care system is facing serious challenges, such as the lack of an integrated and patient-centred system, and the need to ensure system sustainability with improved efficiency and value-for-money. Digital solutions are an important enabler of the transformations required to address these challenges. They have the power to improve health, transform quality and reduce health system costs. Progress made to date is already yielding benefits, but more is possible. As a leader in pan-Canadian collaboration on health innovation and the adoption of new digital health technology, Infoway has set three important goals for 2016-17:

  1. Continue to leverage foundational investments to support more seamless health services and better informed care.

    As a prerequisite to scaling patient-centred digital health solutions, Infoway will continue to be a strategic investor partnering with jurisdictions and health care providers to deliver onfoundational investments such as EHRs, public health surveillance solutions, EMRs and telehealth. To maintain momentum in establishing pan-Canadian common standards and interoperability, and leveraging digital health assets to make health care more accessible for patients and more sustainable for funders, in 2016-17, Infoway plans to:

    • Bring existing EHR and EMR investment projects to or near completion.
    • Facilitate implementation and adoption efforts by providing leadership and insights in the areas of privacy, security, solution architecture and standards, interoperability, clinical engagement, change management, and the effective use of emerging technologies.
    • Progress its benefits evaluation strategy, namely to improve understanding of the value and critical success factors for the advanced use of digital health solutions.
    • Promote the benefits and appropriate use of data and analytics to enable a high-performing health system.
  2. Contingent on renewed federal funding in 2016-17, scale proven, patient-centred digital health solutions to empower patients and deliver access, quality and efficiency benefits.

    The Commonwealth Fund's international surveys of 11 countries reinforce that Canada lags behind other countries in the ability to offer same/next day appointments, after hours care, and access to specialists. As a result, Canada has among the highest rates of emergency department use, as well as low availability of patient-centered health solutions that increase access and portability to meet patient needs, such as secure online messaging with doctors. Two categories of digital health solutions, already proven at local and regional levels are now ready to be scaled across provinces and territories to enable patient-centered care: patient online services (e.g., e-visits, e-renewals, e-booking and patient portals) and telehomecare (e.g., remote patient monitoring). Contingent on new funding, Infoway plans to:

    • Increase access to patient-centred online services and complementary clinical solutions, including patient portals in at least three jurisdictions.
    • Engage with patients/families, and support clinical and faculty peer networks, to support robust input into the planned investments and effective use of these services.
    • Scale and expand proven telehomecare solutions to support patients, families and their health care teams in the effective management of chronic conditions, with projects in five jurisdictions.
  3. Contingent on renewed federal funding in 2016-17, facilitate better, safer and more appropriate prescription drug use by Canadians by establishing a multi-jurisdiction e-prescribing solution.

    Medication is now the second largest area of health care spending in Canada (after hospitals), almost doubling as a share of total health expenditures from 8.8 to 15.8 per cent over the last 40 years. In addition, medication safety continues to be an important issue with many Canadians harmed through adverse events and misuse of medication. To improve medication management, Infoway is proposing to work with the provinces and territories to develop a multi-jurisdiction e-prescribing (eRx) solution that will facilitate better, safer and more appropriate prescription drug use by Canadians. Contingent on new funding, Infoway plans to:

    • Define requirements, and initiate and execute a procurement strategy for the multi-jurisdiction eRx solution.
    • Develop and execute an implementation plan for the solution to be launched within 18 months of secured funding.
    • Engage partners and stakeholders, including securing commitment from two early adopter jurisdictions to use the eRx solution.

For additional information, please see Infoway's 2016-17 Summary Corporate Plan.

Horizontal Initiatives

Chemicals Management Plan

General Information

Name of horizontal initiative

Chemicals Management Plan

Lead departments

Health Canada / Environment and Climate Change Canada

Federal partner organizations
  • Health Canada
    • Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch:
      • Safe Environments Directorate;
      • Consumer Product Safety Directorate; and,
      • Environmental and Radiation Health Sciences Directorate.
    • Health Products and Food Branch:
      • Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate;
      • Food Directorate;
      • Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate; and
      • Veterinary Drugs Directorate.
    • Pest Management Regulatory Agency
    • Regions and Programs Bureau
      • Product Safety Program; and,
      • Environmental Health Program.
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
    • Office of Border Health Services:
      • Travelling Public Program
    • Health Security Infrastructure Branch:
      • Centre for Biosecurity
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
    • Environmental Stewardship Branch:
      • Industrial Sectors, Chemicals and Waste Directorate;
      • Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Directorate;
      • Energy and Transportation Directorate; and,
      • Environmental Protection Operations Directorate.
    • Science and Technology Branch:
      • Science and Risk Assessment Directorate;
      • Wildlife and Landscape Sciences Directorate;
      • Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate; and,
      • Water Science and Technology Directorate
    • Enforcement Branch
      • Environmental Enforcement Directorate
    • Strategic Policy Branch:
      • Economic Analysis Directorate
Non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Start date of the horizontal initiative

2016-17 (third phase)

End date of the horizontal initiative

2020-21 (third phase)

Total federal funding allocated (start to end date) (dollars)


Funding contributed by non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Description of the horizontal initiative

Originally launched in 2006, the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) enables the Government of Canada to protect human health and the environment by addressing substances of concern in Canada. It is a science-based approach that includes:

  • setting priorities and government-imposed timelines for risk assessment and risk management of chemicals and other substances of concern;
  • enhancing research, monitoring and surveillance;
  • increasing industry stewardship and responsibilities for substances;
  • collaborating internationally on chemicals assessment and management;
  • communicating to Canadians the potential risks of chemical and other substances; and,
  • engaging industry to inform risk assessment and risk management action while also enhancing trust in the program.

Jointly managed by Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, the CMP brings all existing federal chemical programs together under a single strategy. This integrated approach allows the Government of Canada to address various routes of exposure to chronic and acute hazardous substances. It also enables use of the most appropriate management tools among a full suite of federal laws, which include the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA), the Food and Drugs Act (F&DA), the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA), the Fisheries Act and the Forestry Act.

In the second phase of CMP (CMP2), priority setting for existing substances was refined and the remaining substances were grouped to provide efficiencies for risk assessment and risk management as a result of lessons learned from the first phase of the program (CMP1). The third phase (CMP3) will include both substance groupings and single substance assessments. Similar to the CMP2, groupings will be created where possible to gain efficiencies in the assessment process. Where groupings are not possible, single substance assessments will be conducted.

Integration across government programs remains critical since many remaining substances are found in consumer, cosmetic, health, drug and other products. In addition to releases from products, substances may be released at various points along other areas of their life cycle such as during manufacture and disposal.

The same core functions continue in phase three of the CMP: risk assessment; risk management, compliance promotion and enforcement; research; monitoring and surveillance; stakeholder engagement and risk communications; and, policy and program management. Information gathering is a key activity undertaken to support these core functions.

Shared outcomes

Immediate Outcomes:

  • Research knowledge on substances of concern is made available to Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada recipients to inform risk assessment, risk management, risk communication and stakeholder engagement, monitoring and surveillance, and international activities;
  • Information on the risks of substances is used by Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada recipients to inform risk management, risk communication and stakeholder engagement, monitoring and surveillance, and research activities;
  • Data on the use, release, exposure and presence of substances of concern in humans, the environment, food and consumer products is used by Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada recipients or other stakeholders;
  • Targeted industry conforms or complies with requirements of risk management measures; and
  • Targeted industry takes voluntary or enforced action to protect Canadians and the environment.

Intermediate Outcomes:

  • Risks associated with harmful substances in humans, the environment, food, pesticides, and consumer products are prevented, minimized or eliminated;
  • Targeted industry understands its obligations to take action to protect Canadians and the environment;
  • Canadians use information to avoid or minimize risks posed by these substances;
  • Canadians and stakeholder groups understand information on the risks and safe use of substances of concern;
  • Improved program decision-making and program performance.

Final Outcome:

  • Reduced threats to health and the environment from harmful substances.
Governance structures

In the overall delivery of the CMP, Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada have a shared responsibility in attaining objectives and results. In meeting their obligations pursuant to the CMP, Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada deliver their responsibilities through established internal departmental governance structures, as well as a joint CMP governance structure to address shared responsibilities. Efforts will be made to harmonize vertical and horizontal performance reporting indicators (e.g. PAA, CMP Performance Management Strategy, the CMP contribution to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, etc.) for CMP3.

The CMP has a horizontal governance framework which ensures integration, co-ordination, joint decision making and clear accountabilities. Under the CMP Integrated Horizontal Governance Framework, the joint CMP Assistant Deputy Ministers Committee (CMP ADM Committee) reports to both the Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada Deputy Ministers. Two main committees support the ADM committee. The first is the Chemicals Management Executive Committee (CMEC), which consists of Directors General from all partner programs within Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, and provides strategic direction, oversight and a challenge function for the CMP's overall implementation. Within the CMEC is a core group of Directors General who forms the CEPA DG Committee and have a lead role in directing, monitoring and providing a challenge function for the core elements of the CMP, namely the delivery of the chemicals agenda under CEPA.

The CMP Steering Committee supports these Director General level committees, which is a Director level committee intended to provide oversight on CMP issues related to the CEPA chemicals agenda.

Planning highlights

In 2016-17, the program will implement improvements as described in the Management Response and Action Plan resulting from the Program Evaluation conducted in 2015. The program will continue to assess and manage the potential health and ecological risks from the remaining priority existing substances from CMP1 & CMP2. Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada will also initiate science based assessments and early thinking on risk management, as needed, on the potential health and ecological risks associated with approximately 1550 existing substances included in CMP3.

Draft Screening Assessment Reports covering approximately 180 substances are planned to be published in 2016-17, including the remaining CMP2 groupings and the first set of CMP3 substances. In addition, both departments will be publishing ecological or human health risk assessment approach documents for approximately 660 substances. Approximately 160 substances will be addressed through rapid screening like approaches; however the number of draft screening assessment reports cannot be estimated at this time. These reports will facilitate and define work activities for subsequent years. Final Assessment Reports, covering approximately 160 substances, are also planned to be published in 2016-17, including substances from the petroleum groupings and microorganism approaches.

Proposed Risk Management (RM) Instruments will also be developed and published in Part I of the Canada Gazette. These RM instruments include: proposed regulations to prohibit the manufacture, import, sale or offer for sale of microbead-containing personal care products used to exfoliate or cleanse; regulations to reduce releases of fugitive emissions to address risks identified for Petroleum and Refinery Gases (PRGs); and, amendments to prohibit the export of elemental mercury under the Export Control List Regulations. Efforts will also be undertaken to amend the Environmental Emergencies Regulations to add substances such as Fuel Oil no. 2, a heating oil.

Final RM Instruments will be published in Part I or Part II of the Canada Gazette, as required. These publications will include: a Pollution Prevention Planning Notice for hydrazine; a Code of Practice for 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy) Ethanol (DEGME); a Notice of the Code of Practice for the Environmentally Sound Management of End-of-life Lamps Containing Mercury; and, amendments to the Prohibition Regulations to add polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), long-chain perfluorocarboxylic acid (PFCAs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOAs).

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada will also continue to use the new substances program to identify and manage, as appropriate, the human health and environmental risks of new substances before import or manufacture in Canada. The program will perform risk assessments on approximately 500 new substances, including products of biotechnology and nanomaterials prior to their introduction to Canada. The program will intervene as early as possible when the assessment identifies a risk to human health or the environment by developing any needed risk management measures, while also finalizing the overall assessment framework for substances on the Revised In Commerce List and conducting assessments for those substances of higher priority.

The program will continue to conduct risk assessments and develop and implement risk management measures to address identified risks posed by harmful chemicals in foods and food packaging materials, consumer products, cosmetics and drinking water. Highlights for 2016-17 include compliance and enforcement activities related to children's jewellery and toys (heavy metals), among others.Approval of up to five guidelines/ guidance documents, as part of the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, will also be sought from the provinces and territories.

Work will continue on substances/products regulated under the F&DA, including: the review, listing and prioritization for assessment of risk due to the presence in the environment of substances in F&DA regulated products; development of environmental assessment regulations for new substances in products regulated under the F&DA; research and consultations on non-regulatory initiatives aimed at reducing the release of F&DA products and substances into the environment; and re-evaluation of food additives, food contaminants and food packaging materials.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) will continue to work with passenger conveyance industry stakeholders in order to identify and address potential risks to travellers. In 2016-17, PHAC will introduce modernized potable water regulations for the continued protection of the travelling public from risks associated with potable water served to passengers on board conveyances and designate PHAC Environmental Health Officers as Inspectors under the F&DA to improve the oversight of food safety with respect to passenger conveyances and their ancillary services.

Work will also continue on the re-evaluation of the remaining 46 older chemicals (registered prior to 1995) and on the cyclical re-evaluation of pesticides registered after 1995 as per the legislated timelines. As well, Health Canada will continue to monitor health and environmental incidents related to pesticides, analyzing trends and sales data, and taking regulatory action, as needed.

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada will continue to conduct targeted monitoring and surveillance activities to address existing and emerging chemicals of concern, and to inform risk assessment needs and risk management activities. Specific monitoring activities for 2016-17 include carrying out data analysis for the fourth cycle of the Canadian Health Measures Survey and the launch of cycle five. The Northern Contaminants Program Human Health Assessment Report on the level of exposure in humans to chemicals in the Canadian Arctic will be released as well. Work will also continue related to the Total Diet Study, and other targeted studies, to fill in anticipated gaps for future CMP priorities. Environmental monitoring of priority chemicals in air, water, sediments, aquatic biota, birds, fish and wastewater to detect and characterize environmental change will continue in 2016-17.

Research in support of current CMP themes and priorities will continue in order to address outstanding questions and knowledge gaps related to the effects and exposure of chemical substances to humans and the environment to inform risk management, risk assessment and international activities. Opportunities for collaboration and synergy with government organizations, universities and international partners will be leveraged and expert engagement in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Test Guidelines Programme will continue.

The program will develop compliance strategies and compliance promotion and enforcement plans and will continue to deliver related activities, to raise regulatees' awareness and understanding of, and promote their compliance with, regulatory requirements for certain assessed CMP substances. Focus will be on delivering compliance promotion activities and conducting inspections and investigations for the highest priority instruments.

The program will also continue to reach out to stakeholders and the public in order to implement the CMP successfully and help achieve the overall goal of protecting health and the environment for all Canadians. With the launch of CMP3, focus will be on increasing transparency and predictability, as well as expanding the reach of key stakeholder engagement activities.

The program will continue to increase proactive communications to the public to raise awareness of the risks and safe use of substances, including greater use of partnerships to expand the reach of messaging. Regular stakeholder consultations, ongoing sector based working groups, conferences, workshops, working groups, and webinars are means that will continue to be explored and strengthened as part of an integrated stakeholder engagement plan. The program will renew the CMP Stakeholder Advisory Council for the third phase of the CMP and bi-annual publication of the CMP Progress Report will continue to inform stakeholders about key activities related to the Government of Canada's recent work under the CMP.

Efforts will also continue to support the sound management of chemicals through participating in a range of international activities that support domestic efforts.

Results to be achieved by non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Contact information
  • Suzanne Leppinen
    Director, Chemicals and Environmental Health Management Bureau
    Safe Environments Directorate
    Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
    Health Canada
    269 Laurier Avenue West
    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9
    PL: 4905B
    Telephone: 613-941-8071

  • Greg Carreau
    Executive Director, Program Development and Engagement
    Science and Risk Assessment Directorate
    Environment and Climate Change Canada
    200, boul. Sacré-Coeur
    Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H3
    Office 8-873
    Telephone: 819-953-6072

Planning Information

Planning Information
Federal organizations Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Contributing programs and activities Total allocation (from start to end date)
2016–17 Planned spending
2016–17 Expected results 2016–17 Performance IndicatorsTable footnote * 2016–17 TargetsTable footnote **
Health Canada 2.1 Health Products a. Risk Assessment 6,136,645 1,227,329 ER 1.1    
b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 4,251,945 850,389
2.2 Food Safety and Nutrition a. Risk Assessment 6,186,965 1,237,393
b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 5,901,575 1,180,315
c. Research 3,476,195 695,239
d. Monitoring and Surveillance 4,757,430 951,486
e. Stakeholder Engagement and Risk Communications 848,425 169,685
2.3 Environmental Risks to Health a. Risk Assessment 51,766,940 10,353,388
b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 35,431,185 7,086,237
c. Research 49,822,575 9,964,515
d. Monitoring and Surveillance 49,298,520 9,859,704
e. Stakeholder Engagement and Risk Communications 14,076,085 2,815,217
f. Policy and Program Management 11,041,590 2,208,318
2.4 Consumer Product and Workplace Chemical Safety a. Risk Assessment 12,098,165 2,419,633
b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 12,748,975 2,549,795
2.7 Pesticides a. Risk Assessment 22,817,180 4,563,436
b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 4,232,080 846,416
Internal Services   34,979,720 6,995,944 Not applicable
Public Health Agency of Canada 1.3.2 Border Health b. Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement 15,914,255 3,182,851 ER 2.1    
Environment and Climate Change Canada 3.1 Substances and Waste Management a. Risk Assessment 19,367,335 3,873,467 ER 3.1    
b. Risk Management 68,088,480 13,617,696
c. Research 9,420,790 1,884,158
d. Monitoring and Surveillance 24,399,675 4,879,935
3.3 Compliance Promotion and Enforcement : Pollution a. Compliance Promotion 4, 272,045 854,409
b. Enforcement 11,075,675 2,215,135
Internal Services   10,876,000 2,175,200 Not applicable
Total for all Federal Organizations 493,286,450 98,657,290 Not applicable
ER 1.1 – Expected Results: Health Canada
  • Information on risks of substances to inform risk management, monitoring and surveillance and research activities (Risk Assessment);
  • Risk management measures under CEPA, PCPA, HPA/CCPSA and F&DA (Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement);
  • Drinking water quality guideline technical documents/guidance documents (Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement);
  • Science-based information on the risks posed by substances, in accordance with annual research plans (Research);
  • Data generated on the use, release, exposure and presence of substances of concern in humans, the environment, food and consumer products (Monitoring and Surveillance); and,
  • Engagement, consultation and communication products to inform the public and stakeholders (Stakeholder Engagement and Risk Communications).
ER 2.1 – Expected Results: Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Mitigation of human health risks associated with contamination of water, food and sanitation on board passenger conveyances (Risk Management, Compliance Promotion and Enforcement).
ER 3.1 – Expected Results: Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Information on risks of substances to inform risk management, monitoring and surveillance and research activities (Risk Assessment);
  • Risk management measures under CEPA and/or Fisheries Act;
  • Science-based information on the risks posed by substances, in accordance with annual research plans (Research);
  • Data generated on the use, release, exposure and presence of substances of concern in humans, the environment, food, consumer products and waste (Monitoring and Surveillance);
  • Information on obligations to conform or comply with risk management control measures (Compliance Promotion); and,
  • Inspections, investigations and enforcement actions (Enforcement).

Federal Tobacco Control Strategy

General Information

Name of horizontal initiative

Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (FTCS)

Lead department

Health Canada

Federal partner organizations
  • Health Canada
    • Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
      • Tobacco Control Directorate
    • First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
    • Communications and Public Affairs Branch
    • Regions and Programs Bureau
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
    • Public Health Information and Networks
    • Chronic (non-communicable) Disease and Injury Prevention
  • Public Safety Canada
    • Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service
    • Policy Development
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    • Criminal Intelligence
    • Technical Investigations
  • Canada Border Services Agency
    • Risk Assessment
    • Admissibility Determination
  • Canada Revenue Agency
    • Taxpayer and Business Assistance
  • Public Prosecutions Service Canada
Non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Start date of the horizontal initiative

April 2012

End date of the horizontal initiative

March 31, 2017

Total federal funding allocated (start to end date) (dollars)


Funding contributed by non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Description of the horizontal initiative

The FTCS was initiated in 2001. In 2012, the Strategy was renewed for five years to provide a focused federal presence to preserve the gains of the past decade and continue the downward trend in smoking prevalence. The renewed strategy focuses on the core areas of federal responsibility and invests in new priorities including populations with higher smoking rates. The objective of the Strategy is to reduce the use of tobacco and the potential for tobacco-related death and disease in Canada.

Shared outcome

To preserve the gains made over the past decade and to continue the downward trend in smoking prevalence.

Governance structures

Health Canada is the lead department for the federal government with responsibility for the coordination and implementation of the FTCS.

Federal partners manage the control of tobacco products through monitoring and assessing the illicit and licit tobacco markets:

  • Public Safety Canada - leads and works with federal partners to develop and coordinate strategic approaches and activities to monitor and combat contraband tobacco activity and related crime;
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police - works with federal partners to identify and investigate criminal activities and to coordinate information on national and international contraband tobacco issues;
  • The Canada Border Services Agency - increases knowledge of contraband domestically and internationally by liaising with tobacco authorities at all levels and by monitoring and providing regular reports on both national and global contraband tobacco. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) also provides reports, information and guidance to the Department of Finance Canada on matters that will impact the future tax structure of tobacco;
  • The Canada Revenue Agency - administers the Excise Act 2001, which governs federal taxation of tobacco products and regulates activities involving the manufacture, possession and sale of tobacco products in Canada; and,
  • Public Prosecutions Service Canada - monitors federal fines imposed in relation to tobacco and other types of offences in order to enforce and recover outstanding fines.

Planning highlights

The FTCS priorities in 2016-17 include:

  • Plain Packaging – Development of an approach for plain packaging requirements for tobacco products;
  • Pan-Canadian Quitline - Helping more Canadians quit smoking by providing provinces and territories with funding to support increased utilization of quitline services as a result of the pan-Canadian quitline and web address appearing on cigarette and little cigar packages;
  • First Nations on-reserve and Inuit Community initiatives - Providing support to First Nations on-reserve and Inuit communities to implement and strengthen comprehensive tobacco control measures;
  • Marketing awareness and outreach – Encouraging young adults aged 20 to 24 to quit smoking and stay smoke-free. The Break it Off tobacco cessation campaign is a collaboration between Health Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society;
  • Chronic disease risk factors - Providing funding for tobacco-related interventions that aim to reduce tobacco use as a chronic disease risk factor by aligning with broader disease prevention strategies; and,
  • Contraband - Advancing efforts to combat the trafficking and cross-border smuggling of contraband tobacco, organized crime involvement related to these activities, participation in World Health Organization (WHO) fora and initiatives, implementation of placing up to five First Nation officers with First Nation police services and leading meetings of the inter-departmental Strategic Level Forum to address the issue of contraband tobacco.
Results to be achieved by non-federal and non-governmental partners

Not applicable

Contact information

Suzy McDonald
Director General
Tobacco Control Directorate
Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
Health Canada
1st Floor, Main Stats Building
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9
Telephone number: 613-941-3202
E-mail address:

Planning Information

Planning Information
Federal organizations Link to departmental Program Alignment Architectures Contributing programs and activities Total allocation (from start to end date)
2016-17 Planned spending
2016-17 Expected Results 2016-17 Performance Indicators 2016-17 Targets
Health Canada
  • 2.5 Substance Use and Abuse
  • Health Living Federal Tobacco Control Strategy
Policy and International Commitments; Research & Surveillance; Regulations & Compliance; and, Community Interventions.
  • 158,759,657
  • 22,140,042
  • 29,648,999
  • 6,500,000

ER 1.1

PI 1.1

T 1.1

Public Health Agency of CanadaTable footnote * 1.1.2 Public Health Information and Networks Policy and International Commitments 1,025,000 205,000
1.2.3 Chronic (non-communicable Disease and Injury Prevention Community Interventions 9,859,958 2,250,000

Public Safety Canada

Law Enforcement Leadership Akwesasne 2,250,000 450,000 ER 2.1 PI 2.1 T 2.1
Policy Development 800,000 160,000
Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceTable footnote **
  • Criminal Intelligence
  • Technical Investigations
Criminal Intelligence 4,246,981 762,177 ER 3.1 PI 3.1 T 3.1
Technical Investigations 4,039,664 797,851
Internal Services 502,221 259,435 Not applicable
Canada Border Services Agency 1.1 Risk Assessment
  • Policy and Intervention;
  • Regulations and Compliance
15,200,000 3,019,208 ER 4.1 PI 4.1 T 4.1
Canada Revenue Agency
  • PA1. Taxpayer and business assistance
  • PA2. Assessment of returns and payment processing
Regulations & Compliance 4,444,500 906,500 ER 5.1 PI 5.1 T 5.1
Public Prosecutions Service Canada Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Regulations & Compliance 2,000,000 0 ER 6.1 Not applicable
Total for all Federal Organizations 225,268,023 Not applicable
ER 1.1 – Expected Results: Health Portfolio

The Health Portfolio will achieve results in the following areas:

  • Regulations and Compliance – Lead the development of regulations, including the development of an approach for the plain packaging of tobacco products. Conduct compliance monitoring activities and undertake enforcement measures with respect to the Tobacco Act and its regulations;
  • Research – Conduct scientific and market research and surveillance to support decision making and the development of policies and regulations;
  • Policy – Lead the process for renewal of the policy authority of the FTCS, work towards the development of an approach for the plain packaging of tobacco products and facilitate stakeholder engagement. As well, lead Canada's participation in the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) obligations, as well as collaborating with provinces and territories in tobacco control activities;
  • Litigation – Provide base funding for tobacco litigation and for the defense of the Tobacco Act and its regulations; and,
  • Community interventions - Funding will be used to leverage existing networks and seek innovative partnerships that contribute to an integrated approach to chronic disease prevention. Working with partners from the public and private sectors will promote healthy living and prevent chronic diseases caused by risk factors such as tobacco use. In addition, funding will contribute to supporting interventions and programming that aim to reduce tobacco use, particularly among young adults, First Nations on-reserve and Inuit in recognized Inuit communities.
PI 1.1 – Performance Indicators: Health Portfolio
  • % of current Canadian (aged 15+) smokers reduced;
  • % of products that are deemed to be non-compliant with the Tobacco Act and its regulations related to manufacturing and importing;
  • # of World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) reports issued on progress every two years; and
  • #, nature and reach (# of participants) in interventions/projects implemented by Public Health Agency of Canada and First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.
T 1.1 – Targets: Health Portfolio
  • Fewer than 15% of Canadians report they smoke.
  • Less than 5% of tobacco products are non-compliant with the Tobacco Act and its regulations.
ER 2.1 – Expected Results: Public Safety Canada
  • Enhance partnership arrangement with Akwesasne Mohawk Police through the administration of contribution funding for the monitoring activities in connection with determining trends and levels of contraband tobacco activity;
  • Lead interdepartmental efforts to analyse the likely implementation costs and benefits to Canada associated with the Protocol to Eliminate the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; and,
  • Provide policy leadership and strategy development to support law enforcement efforts to combat organized crime involved in the contraband tobacco market, including leading meetings of the inter-departmental Strategic Level Forum, supporting participation to the WHO, and establishing the plans and implementation of agreement to support up to 5 First Nations officers to address organized crime activities in First Nation communities.
PI 2.1 – Performance Indicators: Public Safety Canada
  • % of FTCS activities that are coordinated with its partners, with provinces/territories (P/Ts) and other stakeholders;
  • % of FTCS activities/outputs that generate knowledge/awareness of the contraband tobacco market;
  • # of environmental scans, policy analyses, threat assessments, intelligence, and other reports as well as surveys and studies generated and used to: inform senior officials; develop policies and/or directions; and support participation to the WHO; and
  • # of Interdepartmental Strategic Level Forum meetings held.
T 2.1 – Targets: Public Safety Canada
  • 100% of FTCS activities are coordinated with its partners, with P/Ts and other stakeholders;
  • 100% of FTCS activities/outputs generate knowledge/awareness of the contraband tobacco market;
  • 10 environmental scans, policy analyses, threat assessments, intelligence, and other reports as well as surveys and studies generated and used to: inform senior officials; develop policies and/or directions; and support participation to the WHO; and
  • Two Interdepartmental Strategic Level Forum meetings held.
ER 3.1 – Expected Results: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Criminal Intelligence: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) will collect, collate, and analyze data related to the contraband tobacco market and provide regular reports to partner law enforcement agencies, government and non-governmental agencies. The RCMP will continue to participate in joint agency meetings and to be involved in information/ intelligence sharing with domestic and international law enforcement partners. In addition, the RCMP will provide support and subject matter expertise to criminal investigations and prosecutions, including developing and delivering training and outreach initiatives on new and existing legislation related to contraband tobacco.
  • Technical Investigations: The RCMP will provide technical tools and employ technology to enhance detection and monitoring of illegal border intrusions. Advancements in technology are essential to provide vital intelligence for criminal investigations and border security. Border surveillance technologies are deployed to detect cross-border criminality and not just the smuggling of contraband tobacco. Front-line police officers rely heavily on this technology in the fight against well-orchestrated organized crime networks that target the border to move illicit tobacco products.
PI 3.1 – Performance Indicators: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • # of intelligence reports disseminated to partners such as: Canada Revenue Agency, Public Safety, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada and CBSA; and
  • # of engagements and forums among FTCS partners, particularly within the Public Safety Portfolio (committees, working groups, etc.).
T.3.1 – Targets: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Two intelligence reports disseminated to partners – the FTCS Annual Report, and the FTCS Mid-Year Report.
  • The RCMP will continue to be actively involved in the following three fora:
  1. The Interprovincial Investigations Conference: The aim is to develop, increase and maintain cooperation among all those who are involved in combating the contraband tobacco market by providing current information and contacts in other jurisdictions.
  2. The U.S./Canada Tobacco Diversion Workshop: The workshop aims to bring together managers, investigators and analysts as well as relevant agencies involved in tobacco enforcement. The workshop is part of an ongoing commitment by the core agencies to address the growing illicit tobacco market and its cross-border flow through an integrated policing and intelligence-sharing approach.
  3. The Joint Agency Group Contraband Tobacco Control Meeting: The aim is to develop, increase and maintain cooperation among all those who are involved in combating the contraband tobacco market by providing current information and contacts in other jurisdictions.
ER 4.1 – Expected Results: Canada Border Services Agency

Risk Assessment

  • Provide advice to the Department of Finance Canada on matters that will impact the future tax structure on tobacco;
  • Monitor and report on the contraband tobacco situation in Canada;
  • Expand cooperation with international and national law enforcement partners; and
  • Collection of tobacco duties imposed on personal importations of returning Canadians.
PI 4.1 – Performance Indicators: Canada Border Services Agency
  • # of reports related to contraband tobacco; and
  • # of engagement forums with provincial and territorial governments and other authorities
T 4.1 – Targets: Canada Border Services Agency
  • 2016-17 targets are under development. These will be reported on in the 2016-17 Departmental Performance Report.
ER 5.1 – Expected Results: Canada Revenue Agency
  • Ensure compliance with legislative requirements imposed on the manufacture, possession and sale of tobacco products in Canada;
  • Verify export activity;
  • Work with stakeholders to monitor and assess the effectiveness of measures used to reduce contraband tobacco;
  • Support RCMP and CBSA enforcement activities; and
  • Maintain accounts and provide services related to transactions (including refunds), and produce reports of tobacco-related activities.
PI 5.1 – Performance Indicators: Canada Revenue Agency
  • % - of audits and regulatory reviews completed; and
  • % of returns and rebates processed and the gross excise duty assessed.
T 5.1 – Targets: Canada Revenue Agency
  • 100% of audit and regulatory review coverage of federal tobacco licensees.
  • 100% of accounts maintained and transactions processed.
ER 6.1 – Expected Results: Public Prosecutions Service Canada

Funding for this activity has ended.


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